"I don't know where you're getting your information from but vegetarians tend to have copper overload."

Perhaps a handful of vegetarians who run a few miles a day and eat a pound of nuts a day, but many vegetarians such as myself can't eat that many nuts due to the high number of calories.
Some use the term copper overload to describe a high copper to zinc ratio, but in vegetarians this is probably due to zinc levels being extremely low, and not copper levels being very high.

"It has been reported that copper is less bioavailable from a vegetarian diet, compared to a mixed diet, possibly because of the high content of fiber and phytate in vegetarian diets. This finding suggests that a vegetarian diet may be of value in the treatment of Wilson's disease, a disorder caused by copper accumulation. Two patients with Wilson's showed improvement on a vegetarian diet, despite being almost totally noncompliant with anti-copper medication."


"Vegetarian diets have been associated with decreased plasma copper. "


"Vegetarian diets often contain more copper than do nonvegetarian diets, but observations of decreased plasma copper associated with vegetarian diets suggest that these diets have lower copper bioavailability than do nonvegetarian diets. "


Let's just say that copper intake varies greatly for vegetarians. My own intake of nuts which are high in copper for example has varied greatly, and there were some long periods of time that I ate no nuts at all.The studies do seem to indicate that vegetarians need more copper intake to have a normal plasma level of copper.

"And vegetarians also have a higher chance of developing thyroid issues because of soy (and copper overload"

Perhaps these thyroid issues are due to not eating fish and having an iodine deficiency?

"As for multi's, the majority of multivitamins have copper and the dosage is usually 2mg."

I doubt that, but if I was taking a multi with 2 mg of copper, I wouldn't take a separate copper supplement.

"I was also taking a multi when I was on the vegetarian diet. I actually told my doctor that when I drank milk, my bones... hurt."

So don't drink milk. You might have an allergy or sensitivity to milk, or lactose. You might have had a potassium overload, as milk is very high in potassium and low in sodium which is needed to balance the high potassium. I don't see how that relates to copper though.

I analysed my diet, and suddenly realized I was sodium deficient! I was very shocked to find my diet had less than 500 mg of sodium a day. I ate almost all natural foods that were low in sodium. Since then, I make sure to put salt on my food, even though I don't particularly like the taste of salt. This contrasts with the general population, which probably averages around 5,000 mg a day of sodium, more than double what they should be consuming.

I think you should read this page.
