"Do you feel better before or after you had your amalgams replaced? "

After I started having them replaced I started feeling much better. After they were all replaced, I started feeling much worse. I guess this might be somewhat of a reflection of the mercury in my blood? Since I had so many amalgams, I had them replaced over a one year period.

"I did this and it screwed with my sleep. "

Excellent point! Come to think of it, I think my insomnia got worse after I added the third B50. I am going to stop the third B50 I was taking in the evening and see if my insomia abates.

"Did you take anything special for the amalgams procedure?"

Nothing special. I think that is part of the problem. I would have been better off if I started taking olive leaf extract before the dental work began. I had such bad candida problems.

Many people with chemical sensitivity don't tolerate chlorella or spirulina.

"What exactly are you afraid of?"
If you have to ask that, then you probably aren't suffering from severe chemical sensitivity. The sensitivity isn't just to artificial substances but also to many natural ones.