HI everyone. I guess it's been a few years since I last post on here and sadly I am not any better. Finally I now know I have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and adrenal insuffiency, so that explains a lot of the symptoms I was getting. However, I still think mercury poisoning is the root cause for both of these issues.

I've had lots of weird issues in the past few years and have been to more doctors with no end in sight.

I took a very long break from chelation because of the horrific side effects I get from it. Well last month or so I started back up and here I am questioning why the heck I decided to stir up these metals again. Am I completely insane? lol The terrible headaches, unexplained rashes and general feeling of crud is back. My neutrophils are probably low again and eosinophils high, but I haven't had my blood checked yet to confirm.

I'm starting to get real discouraged by Dr. Cutler's protocol as it's done nothing for me. All it does is make me feel so much worse. I'm no better on or off round and I'm wondering how all of you are doing? I hope some of you are better because if not, that is quite discouraging. frown

Perhaps I should try some oral DMPS? I'm thinking DMSA is not working for me.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.
