Bex, you're not supposed to go on using Hulda's parasite cleanse continuously, you're supposed to take a break in between.

Sean, what about cooked or fried garlic?
I can't handle raw garlic anymore either, but fresh garlic in food that is "heated to death" is ok.

Birdlady, yes there is a way...
For me it's lots of steam saunas, about 2hr sessions, 10 minutes in, and 10 minutes cold showers out, in intervals. I do this about once every 20 days.

Also hot showers at home every other day or so, with no soap whatsoever, ended with a cold shower. My armpits don't even smell anymore, and i use no deodorant either. Smells like a baby's armpits.

I also go about squatting when i use the toilet, and i have rid myself of constipation totally. I'm never bloated anymore unless when i cheat on my diet and eat unhealthy. Feels as light in my body as a child after squatting.

Nail fungus is well on it's way towards history also, and psoriasis is steadily going away.

So what do i do more, i stay away from most food additives, i grind my own meat sometimes from pure beef, locally raised and slaughtered (halal).
Yes i eat a lot of local Halal meat, so i say, go for Kosher or Halal, rather Kosher, but i can't get that at where I am. Halal works just fine for me.

I use lots of onions in my cooking, also lots a leek, garlic, red mini chili ala Thai chili with seeds, i use the real turmeric root in my halal chicken soup, i use fennels, ginger, Maldon ocean salt, real basil and real oregano plants, lots of champignons, real dairy butter, wholefat milk (sadly pasteurized), tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, rice, celery roots in soups, i also eat raw deepsalted herring with raw onions and cold potatoes (boiled), and i drink a lot of Afghan Ceylon tea (green) with real locally bought unpasteurized honey in it that i buy from a beefarmer. I also got unprocessed cane sugar that i use now and then.
I eat bananas, and i make my own orange juice from fresh oranges with a squeeze of fresh lemon in it and drink very often.
I use as much fat (real butter) in my cooking as Elvis did, i eat as my grand grand grand parents probably did, but with a more exotic twist to it.
I also use real cinnamon sticks, not cassia i belive, they are thin, not thick walled.

I buy much of my food ingredients at local foreign supermarkets, cheaper, and better quality. Muslims and Jews don't eat filth!

So, this is what i do.
I still have one amalgam left, and some patches here and there that tastes awful now and then, but they will remain until i get even stronger.

What has gotten better... Everything!
I have less stuffes sinuses, no headaches, less aggressive psoriasis someplaces completely gone, fine white nails with only some yellow still, seldom do i have dark circles under my eyes anymore, i feel rested in the morning mostly, i fall asleep easily, my thoughts and concentration is way better, i'm more happy, i'm proud of my self and my health accomplishments, my stiff back is better but still somewhat stubborn, i don't quite react to weather changes as much anymore, my tinnitus is lesser, my hair is fuller, but also grayer (i take that as a good sign), no more blood in the stools, seldom a pressure on my chest anymore, i can relax now more often, i still suffer from compulsive thought patterns, but less than in the past, and yeah, my feet god unstiffened completely from using unsweetened cranberry juice and unsweetened locally made sour red cherry juice, alone.

All this and more i may have forgotten to tell about just now.
And i don't even touch a synthetic supplement.

I use a lot of broccoli and cauliflower in my cooking btw.

I see people on the board using supplements and beeing vegetarian, and not getting to be any much healthier.
Well go figure (Hal Huggins).

I'm purine aware btw, thats why i eat halal meats.
I make lots of soups the old way with meats and bones deep cooked.
I make my own chicken soup with real turmeric in it from unprocessed halal chicken.

Etc, etc, etc.

I have my fuel clean, i have my intestinal detox pathway completely working again, i have supported kidney function and less yellow bilrubin, i also drink lots of water (uncleaned water, but still water), i have my skin detox pathways working as well as they could work (sauna, soapless showers, etc), and.... ehm.. Yes. Thats about it.

And i'm going stronger every day, sometimes i take one step backwards in health, but then i soon take two steps forwards again.

My eyes are shiny bright white too, blood shot eyes, what is that?!
Less earwax too, btw. And less cracking sounds when twisting my head / neck.

Also i got a lump on the back of my neck that has shrinked a lot over the last year, almost completely gone now.

Summarized, i feel as healthy as a 10yr old, but still with some mercury issues.
Not much, but still some.

My only huge sin towards myself is the use of Swedish smokeless tobacco (Snus).
Not as bad as American smokeless.

I eat a lot of Asian food, out. Spicy food. And all my homecooked food is spicy to some degree from real chili peppers.

I use a lot of real salt.

So that's me, and i get better everyday, i'm stable, i'm way better than i were a year or two ago, and i'm happy.

Key is, real food from real ingredients (i cook for four hrs sometimes), squatting, and sauna, combined with some patience.

And then later, the rest of the amalgams will come out safely, pulled!

So Dana, i would reccomend that you go to a gym or a public pool to use their steam sauna, dirt cheap, and also that you read up on the squatting thread on this board. I almost never redistribute much or anything from sauna usage anymore.

What i find a mystery with my self is that my armpits don't smell anything anymore, and i still have some minor mercury issues like a stubborn stiff back, but a lesser stiff back. I must be very clean inside due to the lack of armpit smell, but still not clean enough to be a 100% cured yet, but i will get there, i'm well underway!

Hope all this encourages you! wink