The POTS doctors all harp on increasing salt intake and I am soo sick of it.

Perhaps I should sum up all of the things I've tried over the past 2 years. Florinef, bio-idential aldosterone, DDAVP, hydrocortisone, metoprolol ER, high salt diet 6+ Grams daily, low salt diet, gluten free diet, candida diet and everything in between. The first tilt table test I failed, I was taking 0.2mg of florinef (2 tabs), 25mg of HC, DDAVP and also hooked up to a saline IV for an hour before the testing started and throughout the entire tilt test. My BP went up to 140/80 during the test with a HR of ~140. Once Nitroglycerin was administered, my HR hit almost 180! The second tilt table test, I was taking 20mg of HC (however I stress dosed for the procedure) and also on a small dose of florinef. I was off the beta blocker and all other medications. My HR at its highest was ~155 and my BP only began to dip at the end of the test. I have never fainted during these tests.

I am not deficient in salt or "dehydrated". Sorry for the rant but I'm sick of hearing the same nonsense over and over again on these natural forums. If putting some salt in water cured POTS, then thousands of people would not be suffering from it. Just take a half hour out of your day and look at how much people are suffering from this on the forums on Dinet. Telling me to add salt to my diet is insulting to me. Kind of like how some doctors tell me to "stand up slower".

I have had urinary organic acid/amino acids run with the NutrEval test. There was a lot of information/results from this test. I made a photobucket album you can find at this link, but you'll have to enter in the guest password: birdladyblog to gain access. The main points of interest was I showed no gut bacterial/fungus or yeast dysbiosis, no protein malabsorption and no issues with nitrogen balance. I did show problems with mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalances (this is confirmed with plasma level readings too) as well as issues with some B vitamins. Even though the NutrEval test did not show gut dysbiosis, I still wonder what's going on in there...haha I think I digest food too fast, which admittedly isn't a common problem with POTS or CFS. It's almost always the other way around with people suffering from constipation. I eat certain foods in hopes to get constipated.

I really do not fit the "CFS" mould at all except for having POTS. If I did not have POTS I think I'd be healthy. I've had this for so long I'm not sure what it feels like to be able to stand up without the heart beating so fast or be able to walk outside during the summer.

I do not have the debilitating fatigue that most CFS users seem to have on a daily basis. In fact I have too much energy at times, which then leads me to burn out at other times. Most of my complaints are specifically related to the elevated heart rates I experience every time I stand up.

I agree that once you have mercury toxicity your body tends to hold onto other metals as well. I know that I had exposure to lead, so that is also a problem for me. However, the POTS symptoms started well before the lead exposure.

Even though I'm skeptical of the Cutler protocol, I started another round today. I don't feel anything yet which is good. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.
