Thanks. lentils are a great food. Very nutritious, very inexpensive,and easy to cook. It is a great source of protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber. One pound of raw lentils costs something like $1.30, and makes 6.5 cups of cooked lentils, so it is only around 20 cents a serving. I usually eat the lentils with sunflower seeds or nuts to make it a more complete protein.

Other foods that I concentrate on are raw sunflower seeds,walnuts,plain fat free yogurt (with active cultures) broccoli, eggs, and tofu. Sunflower seeds are also high in minerals and fiber. Raw sunflower seeds are also very inexpensive. Some places sell them without the shells for as little as around $1.50 a pound. sunflower seeds are a great source of magnesium,other minerals, and vitamin E.

Walnut is the vegetarian food that is highest in omega 3 fats. Broccoli is high in vitamin k, vitamin c, carotene, folic acid, and minerals. I also eat 3 brazil nuts a day to get selenium. Make sure not to eat too many brazil nuts, as you could easily overdose on selenium.