A- here.

My main symptoms are adrenal fatigue(CFS), psychological/nervous system, chronic muscle aches and pains and a maybe a mild gut imbalance. I had hypothyroidism from 2005-2010 but after amalgam removals, a few years of iodine supplementation and recently installing a shower filter, my thyroid appears to have corrected itself w/o any need for Armour thyroid supplementation, as of the past couple months anyway.

My immune system has always been stellar though. I never get sick beyond a rare stuffy nose or soar throat. I've only been bed sick probably twice in the last 10-15 years for 2-3 days max. I have no autoimmune problems, no allergies to anything and all of my immune markers recently came back great. I credit this to my mother being very healthy and having spent a lot of time outdoors in the sun pursuing physical activity throughout childhood..also a good diet.