They are indoctrinating our children at our expense as we do pay tax's ...
Though most people in this country believe in God and may not be strict evolutionist's may even question it.
Most likely alot of teachers in the school do too yet they are made to teach evolution to our children even if uncomfortable with it it seems.
Even if they questioned it themselves.
Even if the information old text books etc.. could be out of date.
Even if they see problems with it and could it be because they feel like they may be just tools to indoctrinate and not just to educate?
I mean how many jobs out there in an interview say..
Lets talk about evolution first are you up to date on that subject?
Forget math, computer, typing and other skills what grade did you get in class on the subject of evolution?

Now thats really important for you to do this job.

Could it be that some teachers are feeling the way some doctors and nurses may feel about vaccinations uncomfortable with it and that it is some kind of a governmental mandated hierarchy kind of a forced issue?

So what is the unhappiness or uncomfort about anyway?
Could they even question it without maybe effecting their career?

It would be hard for them to be truly honest about it if it could effect their job and cause problems for the ones that are uncomfortable with it or in disagreement with it.

I believe vaccines and evolution go together as causing discomfort for those who question it.
The risks the effects the why's..
If all people truly new what was in those vaccines that are directly injected into ones body they may be quite shocked and start feeling different about it.
If people who non question the evolution thing as well looked into the other research info and factors out there maybe they would be more enlighted as well.

Maybe they would not scoff so much.
It would not be as funny as evolution has done one thing that I believe it is intended to do.
To turn this world into more of a state/governmental secular society.

Instead of scoff and laugh and tune out when one mentions the problems with the vaccinations or that one believes in creation and the God of Genesis and all that goes with that.
Or the word Christian or Holy Bible..
And maybe, they should really look into it more dig deeper and examine all the evidence for and against it themselves.
And then question seriously, how important really is the subject of evolution in our schools and to life in general.
Verse's how important Bible prophecy may be for you.
Instead. Besides getting a regular job.
A person may find that things may not really be that humorous after all.
Just food for thought. Could it be that they are..
An agenda a goal behind all of this?
Schools playing a critical part in developing a loyal following through indoctrination in history?
Nothing new in history that has happened before.
What makes us think we are any different.
In doing something like that our government our higher up's.
Food for though again.
What do you believe and why do you believe it because that will define ones life and future.