I have twin 3 1/2 yr old boys and BOTH are on the autism spectrum and have significant learning delays. Neither of them, after being tested, have any chromosomal or genetic defects whatsoever, nor is there a family history. MRI's came back that their brains are completely normal. I was given Rhogam and told I had to have it or my children could die at delivery. I ended up contracting PUPPPS (a burning, itching rash all over the body) from this shot. Only a few years later, when my children have been diagnosed and declared that there is nothing physically wrong w/ them, did I start to rack my brain and then research the Rhogam, which contains mercury...a leading cause of autism and developmental delays in fetuses. Don't get the shot. Women have had babies successfully for centuries without it. I wish I would have gone with my gut, not with the dr.