One needs to check this site out and read it all!
Or print it all out if one can.
We know that the world is computer savy now and the technology exist's to fulfill prophecy on recording everybody on this planet.
But what we don't know is in who's hands besides the Antichrist of course this technology will fall into.
And then I read this take on the Mark Of The Beast.
One that is placed on the arms and heads of their followers and I read that in the Greek it could be translated as arm not just hand.
Does this image contain the mark of the beast?
A badge of submission.
Walid Shobat thinks so he thinks that this mark that John wrote down the writing looks alot like this in the Greek script.
He explains how it could say that.
That maybe that's what John saw/ meant as a warning to us.
And how all the prophecy fits.
Wow! Big Wow!