-Because God is Holy
-1 Peter 1:13-21

"But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written; 'Be holy, because I am holy.'"
--(1 Peter 1:15-16)

Peter tells us we should be true in relation to our heavenly Father. If the holy God is our Father--and He is if we've received Jesus as our Savior--then our lives should reflect that family resemblance, too...even in holiness.

In our passage today, Peter quotes from the Old Testament book of Leviticus, a book which has a lot to say about holiness. After God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He called them to consecrate themselves, to be holy. He urges Christians to think much the same way. As God's children, we are to obey and bring honor to our Father.

Obedience is the way we bring holiness to a practical level in our lives. The more we obey, the more we come to be like our heavenly Father. We bear the family likeness because God is holy.
"Thank You, LORD, for saving me from my old life of sin. Help me walk in obedience to you, reflecting your holiness."
--Haven Today

--SON OF GOD / Starfield
Our Freedom's in Your blood....
Savior, I'm overcome with your great love for me.
Jesus is LORD!

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]