Originally Posted by imtired
I have been speaking to some dentists recently and while some promote the Clifford Testing (and other agencies to test), some do not. I have been told that when in doubt, the following composites might be used:

prodigy condensable
diamond crown
*diamond lite
revolution flowable
point 4

Can someone please give me the lowdown on these materials? If you have had these put in your mouth, how have you done with them thus far? Any ones I should stay away from? Any ones most recommended? Etc.?

WHOA! smile We have been asked a lot of questions regarding the amalgams, and usually the answer is get the 'ceramic, or anything that does NOT have any mercury in it'.
I can only speak to this, my husband had 'Composite 3 surf Posterior' fillings. I'll turn the little lite on, in case Russ wants to add to this, imtired. I thought you already had all this taken care of. I believe you have read the Cutler Protocol in the past posts. He is a very reputable Dentist when it comes to removing, etc, mercury amalgams. Sorry, can't help on which of the others would be best. It would seem your Dentist should already know what is 'best'?
Also I would imagine depending on which you choose, the costs vary. Have you considered that?

Take care, as I said, we will watch and see if Russ wants to add to this. I say, ANYTHING that does NOT have Mercury in it! A post was made once to a 'Mark' regarding the various fillings available. You may want to look him up in past posts. Blessings.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]