Originally Posted by Seattlesounders
Thanks Abigail. I have an apt with my MD lined up for this Friday in which I'll ask him what I should do next. Can you think of any other questions I should ask him. The Options I think I have are:
-Take a different test to see how much mercury is in my brain
-Do not chelate due to risk
-Choose between different protocols to Chelate

My big worries are that I went to see a Neurologist and he could see 2 tiny spaces in my brain. He asked if I had any headaches at the time, to which I said no, but now I often have low grade headaches. Could this be related and can chelation stop the headaches?

Hello Seattlesounders,
I would suggest that you wait until you see your Doctor. We can not give out Medical information regarding how a person should handle their personal M.D.s
However, I would write down your concerns, and take the paper with you. Ask what you feel is your main problems at this time.
If you are showing in the 'red' high signs of Mercury in your blood, then you should do what's necessary to delete this problem. You might tell your Doctor about the reputable Vitamin Research information regarding the DMSA, and see if he agrees with that. Since I don't know where you are, of course the <www.antiaging-systems.com> ( (Located: Great Britain/DetoxPro )is very well studied and referred to by many of the better Vitamin Shop Dealers.

The Vitamin Research is here in the United States in Nevada. <www.vrp.com> At VRP you can get it in 25mg and 100mg.
IAS refers to the DMSA as DetoxPro, (Rreduces heavy metal burdens). And VRP, simply DMSA. I order from both places. Russ Tanner, this websites Administrator uses VRP. Both are equally good quality products. Check it out, so you can have it handy to discuss with your M.D. He may even write you a prescription for this or whatever he thinks is best.
As I said the Algin is topnotch over here for the removal of Mercury in the blood. Maybe copy this off with the information you get from the two sites (by going there), and show him that?

Regarding the headaches, that is one of the many side-effects of Mercury Toxicity. But your headaches can be from some of the other health issues you are having. Please don't get overly worried, just take it one day at a time, and see what your MD has to say. highfive Wishing you the best of health, Abigail ~

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