I started taking KPU minerals again recently, and I wonder if I was getting copper dumping yesterday?

Yesterday I took another two tablets of Core KPU minerals and noticed :

PROS : brain more sharper, no more hair falling out, lots of vaginal discharge .....
CONS : feeling more irritable, agitated, angry, rude, unempathetic, hair quite static, disturbed sleep, kept waking up and later woke up with heart palpitations

I am wondering what is happening exactly? Copper leaving brain and dumped into liver? Copper leaving tissues and getting stuck in liver? I know anger is in the liver, and maybe because I didn't take methylation supplements yesterday, it got trapped there?

Should I now supplement with molybdenum to remove my sulphur allergy, then try taking DMSA again to remove more mercury before taking more KPU minerals?

I also have lots of liver/gallstones which could be contributing to the detox issues (need to address hemorrhoids and stomach inflammation first before attempting liver flush again)

I am a 36 year old female with Lyme disease, high mercury, high copper, pesticides, few parasites left, MTHFR, etc.

Also another strange thing is if I take ALA, I seem to put more mercury/copper or something into the brain (more obsessed, more clumsy, face easily sunburn, lips cracked and easily burned by spice, etc)