How to block nearly all the mercury in your diet using common, everyday foods

In my tests, strawberries were able to capture over 95% of all the mercury added to the gastric acid solution in a human digestion simulator.

This effect was also confirmed for freeze-dried strawberries but not strawberry juice because pure juice lacks fibers (pulp).

Why strawberries? Because strawberries are the only common fruit with seeds on the outside. Under a microscope, you can see that each tiny strawberry seed is connected to the center of the strawberry via a bundle of plant fibers. These fibers, it turns out, are incredibly strong and are not easily digested in human digestion. They pass through you largely intact, much like psyllium husk fibers or insoluble vegetable fibers.

Isolated under a microscope, these strawberry fibers are also translucent, by the way. And what's really amazing is that they even resist digestion with nitric acid. Somehow, these fibers are amazingly strong and resilient, yet nearly invisible to the naked eye.

In the gastrointestinal tract, they function as "mercury sponges" that mop up mercury with amazing efficiency.

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