Actually, over half. I have 13 fillings. Some small, some average, some large. Almost all of my pre-molars and molars are filled. Right now one of them is chipped and the cavity just keeps getting larger and larger. Guess where all that chipped mercury is going? Yep, right down my throat. (I know, I know, I need to get this seen to ASAP)

So what was it that led me to this point? Well, a sugar-rich diet as a kid, and a deviated septum + allergies which ended up with me mouth-breathing a lot of the time. afaik mouth-breathing excessively can lead to all sorts of problems, one of which is an increased risk of cavities (more bacteria coming into mouth + less saliva which kills bacteria = bad news for teeth).

I'm not going to blame my past depression, general/social anxiety, lack of motivation, brain fog, fairly shoddy memory of the past, and just overall not feeling right solely on my fillings as that would be completely idiotic. I know these are all symptoms that can be caused by many different things. One of which is, you guessed it, mouth-breathing (which I've consciously forced myself to stop doing ever since I learned how bad it is). There have also been other factors (moving house a lot as a kid, parents arguing and splitting up, etc.) that have undoubtedly contributed to my problems in life.

Anyway, with that all said, I want to see if mercury detox will make a difference in my life as it is. My question is this: what are the best mercury detoxification methods WITHOUT having all amalgams removed? Let's face it. Having all 13 of my amalgams removed is probably not gonna happen. Not any time soon, anyway.

Thanks for any help!

Last edited by InIreland; 07/08/14 05:21 PM.