Originally Posted by InIreland
Thank you for the fast and detailed reply Abigail. I hope these supplements can help make a difference!

What are your thoughts on magnetic clay baths (or other types of mercury detox baths) while still having amalgams?

Hello InIreland! highfive If you scroll back onto previous posters, viewers, etc. on this page of Mercury, etc. You will notice that some have stated that taking a hot (warm?) sauna did help them to feel better. Perhaps you have a Health Center....? Here in the USA we have YMCA. It is also a good place to exercise, lift weights, treadmill, etc. Whatever is most comfortable for the person. I hope you are able to get the necessary supplements, etc you need.
As I said, the DMSA and the ALGIN have done wonders for this gal. Have a good day.//
Caution: star Possible Reactions to Clay Baths:

Use of clay bath can result in fatigue, nausea, light-headedness, flu-like symptoms, skin irritation or rash, or vomiting. If any of these symptoms occur, remove yourself from the bath immediately.

Only use the clay bath under the advice of a healthcare provider if you have a heart condition, high or low blood pressure, or you are taking any medication. Do not use this bath if you are sick with the flu or other bacterial infection. If you are taking a prescription medication, speak with your doctor before beginning a clay bath regimen. Do not ingest.