Hello, I was a member that came here a couple of months ago looking for answers, some of you know.

About a month ago I started to take dmsa, ala, algin, gluthatione, heavy metal detox, and some vitamins for about two weeks. I wanted to see if I had some reaction, so since I still had and have my amalgams I knew I should not keep the treatment for long. So I did it for about two weeks and I didn't feel well but didn't notice much of a reaction.

Then about two weeks after I stopped I started to feel a little more motivated but also got these terrible leg cramps, specially at night. They where more like a restless legs syndrome type of cramp, and I remember I had them when I was a little kid but I didn't get them since a lot of years and they where also different, much worse. I could not sleep for around four days, I only had to get the legs flat on the bed to start getting that terrible pain and jerkings. One day I tried to resist it for a while and the skin turned very red, so I am thinking maybe its either related to some allergic reaction or it has to do with circulation, or maybe both.

Also they got worse the days I did walking and running exercises.

In addition to this, and somewhat opposite, I started to also feel overall better, more energy, better memory, clearer thoughts and speech, so I was impressed, never before since I started to feel really bad had I gotten such improvements.

However about a week or so later, which was a few days back, I now am feeling bad again overall, the leg cramps have gone down but the other improvements went too. So maybe it seems obvious or maybe not, but I wonder if it could really have been the treatment, and I guess more importantly why am I back again to how I was? I am very excited in a way since now I want to get the fillings out and start the treatment again, but also I would like some explanations.