Originally Posted by i dont get it
I just got the Cutler book, really good stuff, I am very impressed how he discusses things. In my case I think I could also have problems with some vitamins, maybe b12 or b12 related imbalances on top of toxicity, since many symptoms I have are neurological and of the metabolism. I read somewhere that Glutathione production stimulation reduces b12 further so now I am thinking that maybe some of the symptoms I had from foolishly taking dmsa could be because of this since as I understand dmsa stimulated the Glutathione production. Now I need to research this too before taking any step. This can be very complicated.

Hello idgIT,
You have a few different 'threads' going on here. So we really can't keep your history together. Several posts back you did say you still have your amalgams. The Cutler program is specifically for those who have removed the mercury/amalgams.

I take B-12 every day. It helps with energy. I also take DMSA 100 (125 sometimes), twice a day. And regarding the Glutathione, I just recently began taking this. I did have to search and research with the help of a sales representative on the Swansons Vitamin site. <www.swansonvitamins.com>
WHY? Because most of the Glutathione has the ALA. She helped me find the L-Glutathione Reduced 250mg. / NO ALA.

So, you see, if you still have your amalgams/mercury fillings, you need to be extra careful. idea

As we have discussed before, and others have said in past posts, 'what works for one, may not benefit another.'

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]