Thank you, Russ for this information. The lie has been told so many times, that most people won't even listen to the fact that you don't need to have the Flu Shot.

There is a 24-48 hour flu bug, which is not unusual to get, even if you DO GET the FLU SHOT. It happened to me in the past. But I have been recommended to get it because of asthma. I'm going to pass this year.

And if you be sure to take a good Multi-Vitamin and plenty of Vitamin C, you should be safe. People are getting ill during this time (September-March), especially with the seasonal changes. There are many colds going around, with fever, and allergies.

Stay on top of it with your Vitamin C and Multi-vitamin-Mineral. Russ carries the best herbs and vitamins available. You can go to the homepage here, <> // Click on Products/ if needed click on contacts. Laura Clement is partial owner in HerbAllure.