--Jesus Christ Our Creator + + +

--Revelation 21:1-7
'I saw a new Heaven
and a new earth.'
--Revelation 21:1

-IN it's "plot," the story of the Bible ends up very much where it began. The broken relationship between God and human beings has healed over at last, and the curse of Genesis 3 is lifted. Borrowing images from Eden, Revelation pictures a river and a tree of life (Rev. 22:1-2). But this time a great City replaces the garden setting--a City filled with worshipers of God. No death or sadness will ever darken that scene. When we awake in the new Heaven and new Earth, we will have at last a happy ending!

Heaven is not an afterthought or an optional belief. It is the final justification of all creation. The Bible never belittles human tragedy and disappointment--is any book more painfully honest? --but it does add one key word: 'temporary'. What we feel now, we will not always feel. The time for recreation will come.

For people who feel trapped in pain or in a broken home, in economic misery or in fear--for all of us--Heaven promises a timeless future of health and wholeness and pleasure and peace. The Bible begins with the promise of a Redeemer in the book of Genesis (3:15) and ends with that same promise (Rev. 21:1-7)--a guarantee of future reality. The end will be the beginning. All things will be made new, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!
--The gains of Heaven will more than compensate us
-for the losses of earth. Keep looking up, Jesus will come for us. He is a God that cannot lie, and our time is getting closer. 'Be ye ready, for no one knows the day or the hour the Son of Man will come.'

--ODB/PY /'Dancing in the Sky' by: Dani and Lizzy

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]