star --The Changing of America/ The Vine and Branches
--Pastor David Barnhart /Summer 2015

--It is possible that pastors who are now licensed by the state to perform marriages will not be allowed to turn away same-sex couples who approach them to perform their marriage ceremonies. This will happen in much the same way that bakers and photographers have been forced to yield to the demands of same-sex couples or face the consequences if they do not. The partnership that now exists between clergy and the states regarding performing marriage ceremonies will have to be ended by those clergy who refuse to compromise their religious principles.

The moment of decision has arrived! Every Christian, church and pastor will now have to declare whether or not they stand on the ageless and changeless teachings of the Bible, or if they are now ready to join people like Tony Campolo [see page 11] and throw the Scriptures on the scrap heap of worn-out ideas and ideals. Furthermore, all Christians will have to decide if they are going to continue financially supporting churches and ministries that believe compromising the Word of God is better than faithfulness.

The coming division within the nation and among churches will be unlike anything we have known before. Individual Christians must now decide if they will continue holding membership in congregations and denominations that have abandoned the Word of God and have gone over to the enemy of men’s souls. Already such voices among the faithless clergy are pleading with their church members to embrace the gods and goddesses of this world.
As for me and my house, we will not bow to the new politically correct gods that our government has created.
-Check it out/ Summer 2015