I'm 21 and I took my first Gardasil shot two weeks ago... Biggest mistake of my life! After having a bunch of side effects I googled on it and realized how many risks it has. I also learned more about vaccines and found out that they contain Aluminium that damages your nerves and brain etc. So I'm not gonna take the 2 remaining shots. I'm very reluctant to take ANY vaccine in the future unless it's a life and death situation.

Now I feel like I have poison inside of me. I have taken other vaccines earlier in life, because when I was younger I didn't have much say in that. You always listen to your mom. So yeah, I took the Swine Flu vaccine among others.

I've been reading a little bit about detox. I read that coriander/cilantro is a good chelator. I tried eating coriander once, a few days ago, but my feet started tingling (almost). I don't know if it was actually that or the fact that I had been outside walking a lot the same day and it was windy and a bit cold... But then I read that coriander only moves around the metals in your body?
And I'm scared to try Chlorella because I heard that some people don't tolerate it and they v*mit. I have severe Emetophobia so I don't wanna take the risk.

I also read about Epsom salt baths. I bought it and thought I'd do a foot bath. Is that good?

I also read that water with Silica can detoxify Aluminium. Earlier this year I took a silica gel supplement for my skin, so I can definitely try that again! Would it really work though?

And how do I know how much heavy metals are inside of me, and how do I know that they are getting eliminated? I mean, when you take a vaccine you INJECT it and the body absorbs 100% (so I've learned after my Gardasil mistake), but when you eat you only absorb around 2% or something and it's not staying in the system the same way... If I'm not wrong?

I'm just hoping this will work, because I don't wanna have this poison inside of me for the rest of my life, damaging my brain and nervous system... I'm really anxious!!

Btw, I don't live in the US so I can't get hold on special products. I'd also like to keep my detox as natural as possible.