Rus, I just want to say that I appreciate your openminded attitude about ionic footbaths. There unfortunately are too many that are not .
First, if you click on this link that I gave, you need to click on the lower left area of the page that says "...other anedotal reports." Then after clicking on that, scroll down past the three testimonies and you should be there. I wish there were more info, but that was the first report on heavy metals I had seen.
I would put a direct link, but after you click on the link and click on "other antedotal reports" another window opens up and the link is not copyable.
I would wish that some of the people I have read on this site that say they did a footbath or two and didn't see any results, would realize one principle. That is, that we have found that your body in it's intelligence will prioritize what it wants to work on. Sometimes our idea of what we expect isn't the same as something the body has deemed more important. In our experience, if a person will stay with it for a while, they will start to see benefit in a meaningful way.
And of course, if someone is getting benefit the economics of it might call for consideration of just buying a unit. Much cheaper in the long run.
Finally, I can not vouch for the many units out there. In fact, I am suspect of many of the cheaper quality units. I will not mention the unit I sell, but from my knowledge and experience, I am convinced it is on par with the original Q2 unit, but considerable less expensive. So, I can only speak of the footbath I use and sell.
I agree with you Rus that I am deeply saddened with marketers that will use the changing of water color as a marketing tool. They lead people to believe that it is toxins coming out. Or telling them the color speaks to different parts of the body being worked on. That all angers me, because it does cast a poor light on the good that the footbaths can do.
Thanks again for your great attitude Rus. You sound like a guy I would enjoy getting to know.