I was interested in these detox foot baths after hearing about them from a coworker. But when it came to her description of the black flakes in the bottom of the water after the session was complete...I realized that my facial steamer that I also use just to put moisture back in to the air at home...produces these exact same flakes and a greyish bown tint to the water. All it uses is tap water and a pinch of table salt. The water in my area is very hard. In no way do I believe that these flakes are coming out of any ones bodies at that size or recoalescing into the flakes.

I always feel better after a foot bath...who wouldn't? Also agree with Russ that those who take the mineral supplements could also be experiencing positive effects from these even more so than any lasting effects of a glorified foot bath.

If you enjoy them, by all means continue...
Just beware of claims that can not be substantiated. Tests that are conducted by parties who will profit from their results. And anything that sounds to good to be true, because it usually is. There are still plenty of charlatans even in this day and age and they are as savvy as ever in pulling in those who are wanting to believe they have found the cure for what ails them.