"So the LORD said to Moses,
'Take Joshua the son of Nun,
a man in whom is the Spirit,
and lay your hand on him.'"
--(Numbers 27:18)-- crackthebook

--Moses was a mighty leader of the people of Israel. Through him, the Lord had performed many great signs and had given the old Covenant with all of its Commandments. But Moses was not the one who would lead Israel into the Promised Land. That task would fall to Joshua, whose name means "the Lord saves." Only he would take them across the Jordan.

Here is what this means for us. The Law can take us only so far. The Commandments are good, but they cannot bring us to the Promised Land of heaven. They can not put us right with God. We will always fall short, as even the great Moses did. The Law can only show us the Promised Land from a distance and leave us to die.

But there is One who leads us into eternal life by pure grace and mercy: Jesus, who is Himself the Lord who saves us. He crossed the Jordan for us--in His Baptism, where He was anointed with the Spirit, and in His death, in our place. He brings us through the waters with Himself to a resurrection in the Promised Land on the other side. "Thank You, Lord, for using Joshua!"= (until our Savior and Redeemer came.) Jesus is coming back soon.

"Be ye always ready, for no one knows the day or hour the Son of God will return." [Matthew 24:42] ~~ HalleluJAH! YAHWEH IS ALIVE! Give Him praise, honor and glory. \o/ Our Sovereign One is Christ the Risen Lord Jesus!

-"Angels Exalt the Lamb"= 'Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing. Christ Jesus was the only One worthy to open the Book. [Please read all of Revelation Chapter 5.)
--"IS HE WORTHY" / By: Chris Tomlin ~~ <https://youtu.be/uZ1q6eDp0KM>

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]