Sweet Misery is the most compelling and thorough documentary on the NutraSweet controversy we've found, period!
If you work in any health industry or if you consume artificially-sweetened or "sugar-free" foods or if you care about someone who does, you absolutely must see this video!
This documentary-style video thoroughly and intelligently legitimizes the concerns and objections
of a rapidly-growing number of people related to the dangers of NutraSweet (Aspartame) and also touches on the dangers of the politics of MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).
Meet the Professionals
This compelling presentation removes all the fluff and lets the professionals speak frankly. Following are a few examples.
"They had animal tissues that had obvious tumors in it that were reported normal." "In my estimation, there was an effort to cover up what was being found so that they [Searle] could get approval."
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Neurosurgeon |
"That's what happened with several people working for the FDA...If they passed Aspartame, literally, they were promised great jobs when they finished with FDA."
Arthur Evangelista, Former FDA Investigator |
"Had I seen the chemical formula of this product I would never have touched it. The poisonous effect of methyl alcohol and its methyl esters are well known."
Jim Bowen, M.D. |
"Virtually all...independent studies...did identify one type of problem or another with Aspartame." "...the industry-sponsored studies were set up in such a way that the results could be predicted ahead of time..."
Ralph Walton, Psychiatrist |
"...three FDA senior scientists...met with the Commissioner [of the FDA] ...and begged him not to approve NutraSweet!"
James Turner Esq., Consumer Attorney |
"The other 10% [of NutraSweet] is...Methyl Ester, which, as soon as it gets swallowed becomes free methyl alcohol—methanol—wood alcohol, which is a poison—a real poison."
H.J. Roberts, M.D. |
"Searle..made a business deal with...Paul Turner—who was in the regulatory agency in England...he approved it [NutraSweet] without anybody knowing it. ...There were no studies done in the U.K."
Betty Martini, Mission Possible |
This video is comprehensive, well-paced and can be understood by anyone. Following are some of the general areas covered:
- The chemistry behind Aspartame: Why it's dangerous and what it does to the body and the brain.
- The NutraSweet cover up: Searle apparently knew great details about the dangers of Aspartame and made conscious attempts to cover up undesirable information.
- How it affects your life: Several victims are interviewed and give details about their experiences with Aspartame.
- The position of the Searle and Monsanto corporation: Several video clips show how corporate officers maintain their positions and how Donald Rumsfeld (currently Secretary of Defense of the United States) may be solely responsible for getting Aspartame approved over FDA board recommendations against it.
Following are a few additional quotes from this startling video:
"In 1980, the [FDA] public board of inquiry voted unanimously to reject the use of Aspartame until additional studies could be done on Aspartame's potential to cause brain tumors."
"In 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes [the new FDA Commissioner under Reagan] overruled the public board of inquiry to approve the use of Aspartame for use in dry food."
"The oral intake of Aspartic Acid caused brain tumors in mice."
"So here they [Searle] had in their own files, a study that raised very serious questions [showing brain damage caused by Aspartame] that they did not give to the FDA. That's a violation of law."
"...the Food and Drug Administration contacted the U.S. Attorney in Chicago to bring an indictment against G.D. Searle for fraud for deletion of records, manipulation of records, falsification of records, and a number of other things on the testing they did on Aspartame and several other products as well."
"The [new commissioner of the FDA]...let the statute of limitations run out on the Aspartame charges. This Assistant, William Conlin, was hired 15 months later by G.D. Searle's law firm, Sidley & Austin."
Meet the Players
Meet the powerful money and politicians that set the policies and make laws that regulate your food supply.
July 18, 1981, FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes overruled the public board of inquiry to approve Aspartame for use in dry foods. He later went to work for G.D. Searle's public relations firm as a "consultant" for $1000 per day. |
"NutraSweet or Aspartame is the most studied food ingredient ever approved by the FDA. And not just by the FDA, but by more than 70 regulatory bodies around the world."
Virginia Weldon, Monsanto Corp. |
"..the FDA concluded it's one of the most thoroughly tested food additives they've ever seen; And the conclusion is that it's safe."
Robert Shapiro, Searle President, 1984 |
"There is no evidence at the present time that I'm aware of that Aspartame in large amounts has a significant effect on brain chemistry."
Daniel Azarnoff, President of Searle Research, 1984 |
"The same building blocks that are found in all the proteins that we eat, whether they be bananas or meat or peanuts or what-have-you, they are found in NutraSweet."
Gerald Gaul, VP of Nutrition & Medical Affairs, NutraSweet, mid 1980s |
"The FDA which is the watchdog of American safety that we have empowered to protect the American public...has repeatedly reviewed all of the data that has been forthcoming from hundreds of studies about Aspartame."
Robert Moser, V.P. NutraSweet |
"...if you're given an assignment ...you try to do it the best you can. I'm afraid that some people confuse that with some sort of single-mindedness on my part."
Donald Rumsfeld, President of Searle 1977 |
Meet the Victims
To help you get a real feel for how Aspartame affects you, this video introduces you to several people who tell you their story.
"I pulled up Aspartame...my eyes lit up, I started crying... I counted 79 of those symptoms [which] I've been...to the hospital...for."
Lorena Murray, Emergency Worker |
"My doctors will not...put down in writing that this is caused by Aspartame...but they'll give me an aside like this: "Thank God you're off NutraSweet." ...but they won't put it in my records."
Bob Mehl, Industrial Sales |
"The evidence of my brain tumors being caused by Aspartame are...strong to me."
Ed Johnson, Attorney |
"I put the diet drink down...and my husband...within 24 hours...said..."you're not slurring like you were; you're not falling down like you were either; and over time it got better, and got better, and got better."
Joan H. Edge, Stay-At-Home Mother |
This is positively one of the most hard-hitting videos we've ever seen. It's loaded with a great combination of political as well as in-depth medical information. Even the hardest skeptic will be changed.
We highly recommend this video for anyone interested in the NutraSweet/Aspartame cover up, whatever the reason.
Recommended For
We believe this video is perfectly suited for the following people:
Health Professionals (Alternative & Allopathic)
Medical science clearly shows the relationship between Aspartame and disease. Becoming educated about this pervasive issue will make you more effective in your practice.
Parent/CareTakers of Children and Seniors
A shocking number of children's foods contain NutraSweet. Understanding the myriad of long-term effects of this neurotoxin will help you protect the ones you love.
NSP Distributors For Education & Presentations
Your customers will appreciate the hard-hitting information that you provide them by showing this video at a home meeting. Why not allow customers to "check it out" for a few days to show it to their friends and family. An informed customer is your best customer.
Everyone Who Consumes Aspartame-Containing Food Products
It's time to become educated about neurotoxins. Being aware of the source is your first line of defense:
- "Equal" sweetener (the blue packet)
- diet sodas
- sugar-free candy and cookies
- low-calorie drinks and snacks
- puddings, jello, yogurt, frozen desserts
- breath mints and chewing gum
- over-the-counter medicines
- chewable vitamins
- muscle-building protein drinks mixes