Dear Friend,
If you'd like to learn permanent easy and effective stress reduction techniques so you can stay calm, confident and relaxed in any situation, banish worry, have all the courage you need to face every life challenge, and find permanent stress reduction, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
I'm Bob Miller, ND, a Naturopathic Health Consultant, a person who helps individuals rebuild their health naturally. I have seen too many of my clients health, careers and marriages being ruined by stress and work stress.
To try to help my clients, I looked at a lot of stress reducer tools, and things you can do for stress relief, but never found any that got to the root causes of stress and made permanent changes.
To find a real solution that provides effective methods of reducing stress , I partnered with a hospital chaplain, medical doctor, psychologist and a team of pastors to create an inspired breakthrough in learning how to reduce stress. (please read on...)
Recommended For
- Health Professionals (Both Alternative & Conventional)
Offer stress-relief sessions to your clients, play therapeutic music-only tracks during massage/chiropractic treatments or in your office waiting room, etc.
- Everyone
Stress can reduce immune function, contribute to weight gain (through increased cortisol production), lower mental acuity, and can cause fatigue, high blood pressure, adrenal exhaustion, digestive issues, and more. Increase the quality of your life by reducing stress using the Tranquilities Stress Management System.
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(Letter from Bob Miller continued...)
Understanding The Underlying Causes of Stress
If you want effective things to do for stress relief, you need to get to the root causes! So let me reveal to you how you get stressed! There's five steps involved.
Lets Start with Step #1
The beginning and causes of stress can be traced back to what I call a "sorrow." A sorrow includes the following:
- Traumatic Life Events (Job Loss, Divorce, Financial Setbacks)
- Losing Things you Had
- Never Receiving Things You Anticipated
- Serious Illness, injury or personal trauma.
- Life not turning out as you anticipated
- Too much being demanded of you!
- What is expected of you exceeds your abilities
- Not enough resources (money, time, etc) to meet the demands placed upon you.
- Setbacks and Disappointments in Careers and Personal Life
- Loss of Loved ones, through death, disagreements or separation.
Sorrow can make you feel incomplete, as if you do not have everything you need to be whole and successful.
Then Step 2...
As a direct result of sorrow, we experience fear. For example, the:
- Fear of experiencing a similar, or other, loss
- Fear of being rejected by others because of our perceived deficiencies or inadequacies,
- Fear of Failure...or sometimes...fear of success!
- Fear of being unable to live up to what is expected or demanded of us.
- Fear of being harmed again in some way
The fear creates anger, guilt, shame or depressing thoughts. You may become resentful or angry, or you can also experience this in the form of guilt or shame.
Some individuals become angry at God. Or, if it's unacceptable to vent anger, it may be turned inward, experiencing it as feeling down or depressed. This anger can ruin relationships, careers, marriages, business opportunities and your health.
As a Result...
Self Esteem is Lowered and may experience feelings of unworthiness. Your motivation and drive to try new things often decreases because you have less and less confidence in your abilities.
And Finally...
You begin to worry or think too much, possibly creating feelings of anxiety.
You may worry about another sorrow issue occurring, but it can expand into worrying about many things, leaving you burned out and stressed out. As your mind fills with worry, your ability to perform tasks, interact with others, and sleep decreases.
The Downward Spiral of Stress
If left unchecked, this pattern may continue into a downward spiral, with each new sorrow creating more fear, more anger or depression, lower self-esteem and even more worry feeling stressed.
You see, stress is nothing more than a combination of feelings of loss, fears, anger in its various forms, lowered self-esteem and worry. No wonder it creates so much havoc in your life and its often difficult to ways to manage stress.
Is This Happening to You?
Many people tell me over and over again, "You just described what happened to me, how did you know this about me?" The reason I knew was because this is how everyone experiences life sorrows!
Some emotions may be stronger than others, but each one is there for every sorrow we experience. If you think it through, I'm sure you will agree, these emotions combined is what makes you feel stressed.
The Solution to Your Stress!
You can get off this roller-coaster and learn stress management and relaxation techniques as you use the five CDs and Five Aromatherapy oils in Tranquilities for Persons Experiencing Stress.
The Five CDs and Five oils in Tranquilities will easily and simply teach you easy and effective stress reduction techniques.
Here's How It Works
Tranquilities for Persons Experiencing Stress is five CDs and five aromatherapy oils you can use in the privacy of your home. The program combines the following powerful methods:
- Guided Imagery
- Aromatherapy
- Realistic Environmental Sounds
- Music Therapy with classical hymns
- Your Personal Religious Faith if Desired

Guided imagery is easy to understand. On the CD recordings a male and female voice guide you through creating mental images in your mind. It's a lot like story-telling.
Each recording takes you on a mental journey to a safe "special place" in your imagination, such as a secluded beach, a gentle stream in the mountains, a campfire or a gentle rain in the forest.
For example, in the Courage recording, we help you imagine you are at the beach. You will get deeply relaxed as you listen to the sounds of the ocean and we paint a mental picture of the blue sky, warm sun and salty air.
Then, we ask you to pull up a fear you may be experiencing. Now here's the fun part. We ask you to make a mental picture of this fear as a wall in front of you. It's your wall, so you make it look like whatever you would like.
Then, we ask you to imagine that the ocean waves knock down this wall.
The gentle comforting voices are with you each and every step of the way. As you may know, our mind works in pictures, and when you make a picture in your mind of an emotion and then you "see" that picture changing, your mind follows along.
Each CD is similar in that you create a mental picture of the negative emotion, see it changing and see yourself having the desired new positive outlook. As you continually make these mental pictures, you are teaching your mind new thought patterns that will serve you well as you learn how to manage stress.
Use Your Personal Faith With Tranquilities
The Tranquilities Series also gives you the option of incorporating your own personal religious faith into the imagery in a way that is right for you.
One track on each CD includes references to feeling God's presence and then a comforting scripture from the Old Testament of the Bible is read.
For those who do not wish to use these religious references, just go to the next track on each CD where these references are removed. Its your choice.
Aromatherapy Adds to The Effectiveness
The combining of aromatherapy with Guided Imagery is just one of the relaxation techniques that makes Tranquilities the next generation of stress reduction.
When you breathe in a fragrant aroma, it often has an impact on your emotions and sense of well-being. You use the aromatherapy oils while listening to the recordings to enhance the effect.
The Tranquilities Series uses five unique and custom blended aromatherapy blends that help you in managing stress.
While you listen to each CD in the Tranquilities Series, you are instructed to gently inhale the aroma of the oil at specific points in the recording. The aromas will gently assist you in this powerful work.
Realistic Environmental Sounds Take You to a Deeper Sense of Relaxation
Each Tranquilities recording includes authentic environmental sounds that were digitally recorded specifically for headphone use.
In our Serenity recording, you will be transported to a gentle stream deep in a wooded area, where birds sing high up in the trees.
Click below to sample the sound of the stream. To keep good quality, this is a large file, so it may take some time to load.
In the Restoration recording, you will feel as though you are surrounded by chimes as they gently blow in the wind. The sounds of the chimes will help you sink into a deep relaxation and comfort you as you deal with grief and loss issues, the first step in stress management and relaxation.
In the imagery designed to Release anger, any resentment, guilt shame or depressing thoughts you hold inside will melt away as the gentle spring rain falls on the trees in the mountains while birds sing their melodious songs.
In our Courage recording, the steady rhythms of the ocean waves create the sense that you are comfortably relaxing on the beach, as you allow the waves to wash away your fears.
Here's a short sample of the ocean waves so you can get a feel for the realistic sounds. While listening with headphones, it makes you feel like you are at the ocean.
In the Value recording, you will almost feel the gentle and soothing warmth of the flames, as you hear the crackling and snapping of the campfire.
Hymns as Music Therapy
The music in Tranquilities is classical hymns that have been used by millions of individuals over the years to find comfort and solace in time of need. Songs like "It is Well with My Soul", "Amazing Grace" and other classics relax, encourage and strengthen and spiritually support like no other music.
They are performed with the sounds of strings, flutes, cellos, choirs and harps to take you to a deep sense of peaceful calm and relaxation. The hymns, combined with realistic, authentic environmental sounds, are profoundly relaxing and soothing.
Using Tranquilities
Using the Tranquilities Series is simple and easy. Find a quiet location where you won't be disturbed. A recliner is preferred. For best results, use a CD player that has quality headphones that will keep out other sounds that may distract you. It is recommended you listen to each recording for a week to 10 days for maximum benefit.
That's all you have to do, find about twenty minutes where you can relax and learn these effective stress management techniques.
Here's What You Receive
"Tranquilities: For Persons Experiencing Stress" includes Five CDs, an introduction/instruction manual, five proprietary-blended aromatherapy oils, and a sturdy storage/carrying case. Please see the section below for details and don't forget to test the sample audio below and see how each one helps you learn new ways of viewing life challenges and learn how to manage stress.
You receive 5 broadcast-quality audio CDs that play in any CD player or computer. Soothing male and female voices combined with environmental sounds and guided imagery will transform you to a new place of relaxation and peace. |
You also receive an instruction manual that will explain how to use the program to your full potential. |
In addition, you get five bottles of aromatherapy oils, each carefully selected and matched to each CD. You use these oils while listening and anytime you need a boost. These are real aromatherapy oils, not some artificial synthetics. |
The entire program is handsomely packaged in a durable water resistant case that will protect it and allow you to display the program on a shelf or pack it away neatly for travel. |
Most CDs sell for around $12-$15 each. Just one bottle of Aromatherapy oils can cost $15 and up. These five CDs and Five Aromatherapy oils are at least a $150 Value.
However, you can purchase Tranquilities for Persons Experiencing Stress for only $49.95.
You Can't Lose With My 100%, Money back Guarantee
Your satisfaction is guaranteed with our 100%, no-questions-asked iron-clad money-back guarantee. If you aren't absolutely thrilled with this product, and it doesn't dramatically improve your life, just return the product within 6 months and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. No questions asked.
You don't have to decide now if Tranquilities will change your life. Just get it and try it out. If it doesn't do everything I say and more, if you don't find that you feel better about life setbacks, if you don't find you have significantly more courage, if you don't feel as though your self-esteem is boosted and you worry less, or if you don't absolutely love it, just let me know and I'll give you every cent of your money back!
Here's how to order right now!
Cat #: TRAN - Price $49.95
To your success,
Robert E. Miller, ND
P.S. Learn effective stress reduction now! Just think how your life will improve when you learn that you are complete and whole despite life setbacks and disappointments, when you learn to have all the courage you need to do everything you ever wanted to do, when you release anger, guilt shame or depressing thoughts, recognize your self-worth and self-esteem and stop worrying!
P.S.S. If your career is a source of stress and you need stress reduction in the workplace, Tranquilities can effectively assist you with the stress issues often associated with work related stress.
Sample Audio
The Restoration CD consists of the male and female voices, gentle hymns, and the sound of chimes. Along with the aromatherapy blend, they will help you regain a feeling of completeness and wholeness in mind and spirit despite your disappointment, setback, current life situation or past events in your life that are the root cause of your stress. |
The beautiful music, encouraging voices and sounds of the ocean in the Courage CD along with the aromatherapy blend, gently guide you to find the courage you need to conquer and to move beyond your fears. |
The sounds of a gentle mountain rain in the Release CD along with the aromatherapy blend, and encouraging voices, gently guide you to let go of any anger, resentment, guilt, shame or depressing thoughts. |
The sounds of a campfire, along with encouraging uplifting words in the Value CD, combined with the aromatherapy blend, support and encourage you to realize and reaffirm your self-worth and value. |
The sounds of the reassuring voices, a gentle stream and reassuring hymns in the Serenity CD, along with the aromatherapy blend, teach you how to relax your mind and body, as you let go of anxious, busy thoughts and find peace of mind. |