Highly unlikely an altuitude of 3000 feet in CA would present a year too cold for growth.
Fortunately nature is not inhibited in any way by your opinion.

You could easily google >"bristlecone pine" "growing season"< and find the answer. The National Park Service says:
Bristlecone pines in Great Basin National Park grow in isolated groves just below treeline. Conditions are harsh, with cold temperatures, a short growing season, and high winds. Bristlecone pines in these high-elevation environments grow very slowly, and [color:"red"]in some years don't even add a ring of growth[/color]. This slow growth makes their wood very dense and resistant to insects, fungi, rot, and erosion.
(color and bold for empHASis)

... and this article, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, has this to say:
It seems counter-intuitive that something so old would be found over 10,000 ' up on a mountainside in an atmosphere containing 2/3 of the atmospheric pressure found at sea level. Bathed in harsh ultraviolet light, its roots sink wide and deep into an inhospitable rocky dolomite soil. The growing season is a scant six weeks with annual rainfall at less than a foot, this being the definition of a desert environment. These harsh conditions are responsible for the longevity of these particular trees. Other Bristlecone Pines which grow tall and wide in the moister, more nutritious soil at Patriarch Grove appear to have a life span of only 1,000 - 1,500 years, ...
... Rings taken from a coring of Methuselah indicated that something occurred in 1627 B.C.E. For some reason, ring growth during that summer was prematurely halted. The ring showed damage from freezing. Further investigation revealed that 3,629 years ago, the volcano Santorini which made up the island of Thera in the Agean Sea erupted. The eruption, which was much greater than the Krakatoa eruption of 1883, led to the destruction the Minoan civilization and caused a mini-ice age dropping world-wide temperatures for nearly a decade.
Only 42+/- days per year for growing makes it difficult to grow beans eh? Needless to say it is a very different ecology than most people are familiar with (or perhaps even imagine).

Notice 10,000 feet, not 3,000. Helps to get your facts right eh?

Notice the correlation to historical events. That helps establish the veracity of the tree rings. We'll get into more correlations as the evidence mounts, for that is the really interesting part about evidence of truth - it comes from multiple sources, sometimes unexpected.
Plus, you deny God.
Message 248038:
You and RAZD do not offer an argument which includes creation so you will always encounter opposition while making this rather facetious appearance of discussing it, disproving it, whatever.
You do not include God in your equation, whereas every person who believes in God and creation, does.
Perhaps just your interpretation. Perhaps I ask god how he did it. Care to address the issue?
Message 248050:
Understandable pwcca, that works for you. No one is arguing that 2+2 does not =4. Though RAZD did claim that 1+1 does not =2 so... maybe you need to discuss that with him.
Why do you lie so, SoSick? You KNOW that is not what I said, and yet this is the second time you have tried this pitiful character assassination type attack.
Your Russ Tanner Manifesto Lie Test": is highly subjective I might point out. It again assumes you know more about anything than anyone.
(link added for those interested in the test, especially the bit about resorting to character assassination ...)

No, it just assumes that I know when YOU are lying. Which appears to be frequently.
RAZD Message 247797
"Math is a model, and models are only good or useful as long as they model reality. ... When a model fails to model reality it is a good indication that some aspect of reality has been missed in the model. ... If you don't believe me see if you can show that 1+1=2 has validity in the world of objective reality. Start by finding two absolutely identical things."[/url]
QED -- again.

[color:"blue"]If creationism is true why do creationists need to lie? So much for creationist ethics and creationist moral values eh?[/color]


[color:"green"]Note: my time is limited, so I only choose threads of particular interest to me and I cannot guarantee a reply to all responses (particularly if they do not discuss the issue/s), and I expect other people to do the same. Thank you for your consideration.[/color]

we are limited in our ability to understand
... by our ability to understand
Rebel American Zen Deist
- to learn - to think - to live - to laugh
... to share.