India Court Rules No Mandatory Vaccine, Must Get ‘Informed Consent’





Healthy Reading...

Grab this green drink and detox (It's super easy)

 Is your laundry infected with chemicals? Stop throwing your money away on toxic laundry detergent (hint, this fits perfectly in a stocking!)

Have you considered CBD oil for your joint pain or even insomnia? Its uses are far-reaching.

Please share these survival resources. Post the links on your websites, forward them along, and raise awareness. Our current state of affairs could lead us to a day of reckoning. 

Mandatory vaccine laws per state and more. 

How To Homeschool: A Comprehensive Guide

Dr. Tenpenny's eBook Downloads

Dr. Tenpenny's Latest: AVOID THE FLU...Not So Fast


And more...

Challenging The Vaccine Dogma

The MMR Vaccine: The Loss Of Future Generations Over An Unrealistic Fear Of Measles

The Importance Of Fever

Make An Appointment With Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center
or visit our website to learn more

Dr. Tenpenny's famous 'must read' Saying No To Vaccines is available for purchase on Amazon. 


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