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Dr. Andrew Cutler, PhD PE

Dr. Andrew Cutler, PhD, PE

» Health Care Consultant

» Author, Inventor


Andrew Cutler is a health care consultant in the Seattle area. He has a PhD in chemistry from Princeton, a BS in physics from the University of California, is a patent agent and a registered professional chemical engineer. His research has led to a number of publications in chemistry, chemical engineering and space-elated journals.

Dr. Cutler also has engaged in extensive self-study in biochemistry and medicine due to assorted health problems coalescing into a devastating "mystery syndrome" his doctors were not able to cure - or even diagnose - for quite some time. After being able to work with his doctor to get better, he decided to expand his professional activities to include writing about health topics.


Amalgam Illness
Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis & Treatment

by Dr. Andrew Cutler

In-depth information about the diagnosis and detox of mercury toxicity. Technical, yet very readable. Best book we've found on this subject.

Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities
Hair Test Interpretation:
Finding Hidden Toxicities

by Dr. Andrew Cutler

Learn about the myriad of effects of heavy metals, and how to interpret hair analysis. Powerful, in-depth information.



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