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» J. Candy Arnold
J. Candi Arnold's interest in natural health began
over 30 years ago. Having experienced a lifetime of ill health including
several major operations as well as inheriting a rare genetic type
of epilepsy, she turned her attention to nutrition and natural healting
methods. In early 1992, Ms. Arnold made a life-style decision to
return home to Seattle.
Shortly after her return to the Pacific Northwest,
she learned unexpectedly that her mother had advanced lymphoma cancer
throughout her body. A program of nutritional supplementation, natural
food diet and, positive thought and humor therapy was implemented
in addition to chemotherapy and cancer treatment at the University
of Washington.
On Christmas eve, 1992, three months after Ms.
Arnold's mother's diagnosis of lymphoma, the doctors pronounced
that she was cancer-free! While they do not know what cured her
of this dreaded disease, Ms. Arnold and her mother feel that nutrition
played a major role.
Following her mother's successful victory over
cancer, Ms. Arnold created Summit Resources and continues her studies
to be certified as a Master of Holistic Healing.