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Internet Tools  

Technical Report
See what you've been missing

This utility allows you to see what information is sent to websites when you browse to a webpage. This information usually includes the IP address currently assigned to your computer, and what browser and operating system you are currently using. Use this easy report to see for yourself.


Please Complete the Form Below
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Your information is confidential and will not be distributed or sold.

To view the Technical Report, just complete the form below and click the "Submit" button. The report can also be automatically emailed to you, if you like.

1. Receive Report by Email
If you want to receive a copy of the report by email, just enter your email address below.
Email Address
The email address to send the report to. If you don't want it emailed, use
2. Security & Submit
Security Question: 7 minus 1 =
Enter the answer to the security question.
Click the button above to view the Technical Report.


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