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My Mercury Battle
GONE: Weight gain, depression, hair loss, fatigue, constipation, candida, anxiety, insomnia, low blood sugar, immune weakness, ringing in the ears, tingling in hands and feet, constantly feeling hot or cold, grinding teeth while sleeping, and much more!!
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Maybe the most prevalent health issue of our time. This is information you need to see!
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Mercury Toxicity And It's Relationship To Neurological Disorders, Dr. Boyd HaleyMercury Toxicity And It's Relationship To Neurological Disorders, Dr. Boyd Haley

Format: DVD
(for computers & home DVD players)
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Recorded at a Live Seminar

Mercury Toxicity

And It's Relationship To
Neurological Disorders

A Live Seminar by

Dr. Boyd Haley, PhD

by Dr. Boyd Haley, PhD

Add to Shopping CartView Shopping CartGo To Checkout Cat# MTND | Price $15.95 + s/h


NOTE: We will be doing a complete write-up on this DVD shortly. The information below is only a temporary summary.

Dr. Boyd Haley shares in-depth information about mercury and it's intimate association with autism and alzheimer's disease. Dr. Haley virtually proves the connection technically, yet in a way anyone can understand. Share this DVD with your friends and family.

If you have a Doctor or friend who still does not believe in or understand the connection between neurological diseases and mercury, this DVD will convince them. Share this DVD with your doctor.

If you don't understand the dangers of mercury from both amalgam dental fillings and vaccines (including the form of mercury labeled Thimerosal), please watch this video before allowing your children or your friends or family to get another shot or vaccine.

Recommended For

  • All Health Professionals (Alternative and Allopathic)
    Rapidly growing numbers of health professionals from every specialty are realizing that mercury toxicity is a leading root-level cause of disease. This in-depth, reliable, scientific information will help you understand and work with disease at the root level.
  • NSP Distributors
    Mercury is dangerous. Learn how to help your clients avoid or recover from the myriad of diseases caused by mercury.
  • Parents/Caretakers
    Mercury is contained in "silver" dental fillings and many vaccines. To properly care for you children and loved ones, you need to be properly informed about mercury.
  • Everyone with "silver" fillings or considering receiving vaccines
    Being properly informed about mercury sources and solutions will help you protect your health and maintain your quality of life, as well as help you protect those you love and care about.

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It's All In Your Head by Dr. Hal Huggins  

Amalgam Illness:
Diagnosis and Treatment

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In-depth, technical information about mercury-related illness.

It's All In Your Head by Dr. Hal Huggins  

It's All In Your Head
by Dr. Hal Huggins

The consumer guide to the mercury amalgam issue.

Hair Test Analysis: Finding Hidden Toxicities  

Hair Test Analysis:
Finding Hidden Toxicities

by Dr. Andrew Cutler, PhD, PE

An comprehensive guide to properly interpreting hair test analysis.


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