"If you don't
know about mercury poisoning yet, you will... eventually!"
We believe chronic
mercury poisoning from amalgam ("silver") fillings
and vaccines is the most important health subject of
the next decade.
or most of the people you already know
probably already have
it, don't know it, and are treating other symptoms
which are rooted in one of mercury's numerous
and dangerous side effects.
This book is the most
comprehensive reference we have yet to find providing
detailed scientific data and practical information about this
subject. It's easy-to-read, yet does
not sacrifice detail or scientific integrity. We highly
recommend this book for Doctors,
Natural Health Professionals, and everyone who has
amalgam fillings!
View the Table of Contents
Recommended For
- All Health Professionals (Alternative and Allopathic)
Rapidly growing numbers of health professionals from every specialty are realizing that mercury toxicity is a leading root-level cause of disease. Get in-depth, reliable, scientific information from the most popular mercury-toxicity author so you can begin curing disease at the root level.
- NSP Distributors
Mercury is dangerous. Learn how to help your clients avoid or recover from the numerous diseases caused by mercury.
- Parents/Caretakers
Mercury is contained in "silver" dental fillings and vaccines. To properly care for you children and loved ones, you need to be informed about mercury.
- Everyone with "silver" fillings or considering receiving vaccines
Being properly informed about mercury sources and solutions will help you protect your health and maintain your quality of life, as well as help you protect those you love and care about.
Related Products
All In Your Head
by Dr. Hal Huggins
The book that started it all. An excellent introduction to understanding the truth behind dental amalgam ("silver") fillings and their relationship to your health. |
Illness related to amalgam ("silver") dental
fillings (which contain large amounts of mercury) may be the
most prevalent single cause of disease today.
Evidence is mounting that mercury
poisoning causes or is related to:
- Unexplained irritability
- Depression & Bipolar Disorder
- Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
- Frequent nighttime urination
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) & Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Allergies
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
- Asthma & Bronchitis
- Ringing in your ears (Tinnitus)
- Cold hands and feet even in temperate weather
- Frequent "bloated" feeling
- Asthma
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Difficulty with short-term memory
- Anger issues
- Constipation
- Difficulty with simple decisions
- Tremors in hands, feet or head
- Frequent twitching muscles
- Mole development around the neck, underarms and inner thighs
- Leg cramps
- Shortness of breath
- Panic attacks
- Frequent heartburn
- Frequent itching
- Frequent rashes or other skin irritations
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Colitis
- Sleep disorders
- Nervousness
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
- Suicidal thoughts
- Arthritis (Rheumatoid & Juvenile)
- Insomnia
- Chest pains
- Joint pain
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Lupus Wrythromatosus
- Tachycardia (irregular or rapid heart beat)
- Alzheimers' disease
- Headaches or migraines
- Frequent diarrhea
- Nausea, especially after eating
- Neurological disorders or diseases
- Parkinson's disease
- Endocrine issues
- Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
- Yease Syndrome & Candida
- Many, many more...
For this reason (and because the
owners of Herb Allure have both suffered greatly and recovered
from mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings), we are
offering the most comprehensive
book we can find on the subject, written especially
for three groups of people:
- Natural/Holistic/Alternative/Allopathic/Integrative health professionals (including Doctors)
- Anyone exhibiting 3 or more of the symptoms displayed in the above list of symptoms
This book goes much
deeper than any other we've found. Numerous specific
chemical reactions, diagrams and flow charts are provided
to help you visualize the processes induced by mercury in
each system of the body.
You will
- Specifically how mercury affects
the body
- How specific foods, supplements
and medicines assist or damage the mercury-induced body
- Specifically how mercury is
directly or indirectly linked to numerous illnesses
- How mercury affects people psychologically
- Why mercury is such a political
- Effects of other common poisons
like arsenic, lead, and copper
- How mercury directly affects
the brain
- How to tell if you have mercury
- How to properly treat mercury
- What to do until the fillings
are removed
- How to detox
- What are other sources of mercury
- And much, much more!
In fact, this book goes into such
detail about chemical processes in the body (both with
and without mercury), you will find it to be a valuable
reference you will always want to keep handy. I
have a copy on my desk at all times.
Dr. Cutler provides ample scientific
evidence and volumes of clear, concise information
designed especially to help you help others (and yourself)
in the most practical
ways. It also lends overwhelming
credibility to this politically-suppressed
subject which is just
beginning to get the widespread recognition it deserves.
This is truly a "can't
put it down" kind of book.
After reading
this book, we believe you'll feel compelled to offer
it to your customers as well as keep
one for your own reference. We offer quantity
discounts starting with as few as 5 books.
Please believe us when we tell you:
you don't know about mercury poisoning yet, you will... eventually!"
"This book will give you the ammunition
you will need to successfully recover from amalgam illness.
It will also help you avoid making bad decisions about treatment.
Patient-friendly and detailed, it is a blueprint which points
you in the right direction for each symptom and area of suffering.
Do not proceed without this surprisingly thorough book."
L. M. S., Chicago,
"This is the book you need! Andrew
Cutler has written an exceptional and enlightening book on
the devastating health affects caused by amalgam fillings
in your teeth. No one ever speaks as knowingly as those with
experience. The author, himself a victim of mercury poisoning
and a respected research scientist offers a clear, concise
description of the physical and neurological destruction mercury
causes in the human body. Clearly explained in language the
patient can understand, yet the book is medically and scientifically
detailed enough to belong in every physician's library."
"Do you know that dental amalgams
- commonly referred to as silver fillings - are composed of
50% mercury? Despite what you may have been told, the mercury
is not safely locked into the filling once it hardens. Mercury
migrates from the tooth into your body and brain via several
pathways, which are thoroughly explained in this book. If
you have amalgam fillings in your teeth and find yourself
plagued with a host of illnesses or symptoms your physician
cannot resolve this book is a must read. Dr. Cutler has created
a much needed and valuable resource for the victims of mercury
poisoning. Finding a doctor knowledgeable on chronic mercury
poisoning from amalgams is very difficult if not next to impossible.
This book will arm you with the knowledge and information
you need to make sure your doctor is following a protocol
that will help you recover, rather than one that might harm
your health even further."
"This book will also enlighten the
medical and dental professions; and of even more importance
to you personally, it will put you on the path to recovering
your health. As a recovering victim of mercury poisoning myself,
I have read many books on this subject. Not having a background
in medicine or biology some of them were next to impossible
for me to wade through as I searched for a cause of my illness;
Dr. Cutler's book is straightforward and to the point. Some
books were easy to understand, but did not offer the depth
of scientific information presented by Dr. Cutler. I am deeply
indebted to Dr. Cutler for providing such a candid, well researched,
enlightening, and thoroughly comprehensive resource. I have
had the pleasure of referring this book to many other victims
of this most preventable illness; all agree this book is the
most helpful resource available."
"My doctor was so impressed with
this book she ordered it before I left her office. Doctors
are as much in the dark about this illness as are we, the
victims of chronic mercury poisoning. This book is a real
eye opener and will save you years of trudging from doctor
to doctor as I did in search of the cause of my failing health.
When all the while the cause of my illness was truly just
beneath my nose. If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth
and are plagued with chronic health problems you will find
the solution in the scientific research and unriddling answers
found in this book. Dr. Cutler has definitively revealed the
mystery behind a host of illnesses caused by amalgam, along
with invaluable knowledge on how you can recover."
"In gratitude for this inspiring
book I'd like to quote, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:"
"Lives of great men all remind
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time."
"Andrew Cutler left one giant footprint
in his stride, offering help and hope to those of us suffering
the devastating effects of chronic mercury poisoning. Thank
you for this book, Andy."
Linda Godsey, Houston,
"I had a history of depression and
other health problems. Then my mouth started to come apart
- bleeding gums and all kinds of problems that had an oral
surgeon ready cut. I was on my way to losing my teeth just
like my sister had."
"Luckily I heard about amalgam
(mercury) poisoning before the surgeon got to me. In 1993
I replaced my fillings and crowns with mercury free materials.
My buccal pockets and gums healed immediately and the oral
surgeon was forced to remove me from his list."
"Over the next seven years despite
having eliminated mercury exposure from my mouth, I developed
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS), candida overgrowth, Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, and was even diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
(MS) by brain MRI. Later, a spinal tap showed that I did not
have multiple sclerosis, but I continued to suffer from symptoms
of the disease, like numbness and tingling of the arms and
legs, rapid heartbeat, and head tremors and twitches. I didn't
know that those disorders were related to the mercury in my
body that had leached from my teeth and into my body and brain."
"In those seven years following
my amalgam removal, mercury levels in my urine and blood dropped
from "off the charts" to near zero. But the symptoms were
worsening. Constant pressure in the brain, numbness and tingling
in the extremities, rapid heart beat, complete constipation,
high cholesterol, high H-Pylori titers, low thyroid, low blood
pressure, chronic fatigue, brain fog, cognitive/memory problems
documented by neuropsychological testing, and on and on. I
was so sick that I could no longer work."
"Then I finally learned about the
metabolism of mercury. Dr. Cutler's book explains how once
in my brain, the mercury just wasn't going to come out by
itself. And mercury in the brain doesn't only cause neurological
symptoms - but since the brain controls hormones and the immune
system, everything in the body can be effected from having
mercury in the brain. And everything WAS coming apart!"
"Dr. Cutler's book doesn't stop
after telling you how terribly poisoned you could be by dental
fillings; it actually tells you how to get the mercury out
of your brain and get well. Dr. Cutler not only studied American
medical journals to formulate this protocol, but overseas
medical journals as well. He shows you how to safely remove
mercury from your body and brain using alpha lipoic acid,
an over-the-counter antioxidant."
"The most important things to remember
about chelating with lipoic acid are to (1) go slowly and
(2) to take the doses (25 mg to 120 mg according to tolerance)
every 3 to 4 hours around the clock. Dr. Cutler explains how
this method keeps the blood levels of lipoic acid stable in
order to move the Hg from the brain and eliminate it, not
merely redistribute it to other places."
"Most of the neurological symptoms
I've suffered from are gone now. They don't come and go; they
are just gone. The rapid heart beat stopped, along with the
numbness and tingling of the extremities, and the tremor and
twitches in my head. My blood pressure has come up from 70/40
to 120/80 - perfectly normal. My cholesterol has dropped from
305 to 240. My facial color is no longer ghastly white, but
rather a normal and natural color. H-Pylori titers (a bacteria
associated with peptic ulcers and cancer) have gone from 6
plus to 1.37 without medication."
"I'm thrilled I found a way to
improve these stubborn health problems that refused to budge
with any other means. Believe me, I had tried everything.
If you want toget well from CFIDS, candida, MS, and other
neurological problems please don't overlook this book, Amalgam
Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment. Then follow the directions
for how to get well safely!"
Anne Marquez, Ph.
D., Rohnert Park, California
"This book contains a wealth of
information for anyone who is or suspects they might be suffering
from mercury poisoning and for any health practitioners who
are trying to help patients who have mercury poisoning. It
provides excellent advice on how to start feeling better right
away and how to recover from mercury poisoning while carrying
on with one's life. The information is accessible to lay people
but technical information is introduced as necessary. If you
are suffering from any of the conditions mentioned on this
webside, you would do well to start your search for a cure
by reading this book."
Rosemary Carter,
Ph. D., Crescent Valley, British Columbia
"Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and
Treatment provides practical tools for use in trying to sort
out a health problem. Himself an amalgam victim, Cutler describes
the weird world of an amalgam patient in a very initiated
Heavy Metal Bulletin,
volume 5, number 3, August 1999
"Dr. Cutler is the most wonderful
technical writer I have ever read. He takes a very complicated
chemical reaction and breaks it down to a level easy enough
for almost any layman to understand. A must read for anyone
with a child that might have any heavy metal poisoning or
anyone that might be poisoned by heavy metal themselves."
"Dr. Cutler gives detailed step
by step directions to identify possible exposures, diagnosis,
and treatments of heavy metal poisoning unlike any other author
I have read. He not only details the causes and effects brilliantly,
he inspires the reader to get help if it is indicated. He
takes a wonderfully unique look at what could be an epidemic
in the United States. This book explains the what, wheres,
and hows of Mercury and heavy metal poisonings."
"I highly recommend this book to
anyone and everyone that might be suffering from Mercury or
Lead poisoning. Dr. Cutler is such an awesome writer on such
a complicated subject. Thank you!"
Lisa Wilson, College
Park, Maryland
"I wish this book was available
in 1996 when I first discovered that I had amalgam illness.
I could have avoided some mistakes with regards to "challenge
tests" and "intra-muscular DMPS chelation"."
"The book has some highly detailed
material on a wide range of health issues. For the first time,
I was able to understand the exact mechanics of my severe
hypoglycemia. "First low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) occors
due to low cortisol. Then adrenaline shoots up to mobolize
glucose. Since adrenaline can't do this very well without
adequate cortisol, vast tidal waves of it wash over you and
the 'psychiatric' symptoms occur...If your body has too much
insulin floating around, it can't get rid of the stuff so
there is insulin making your cells suck up blood sugar and
keeping it low." ...This book will play a valuable role in
my quest for health."
Anonymous Reviwer,
"Dr. Cutler's book Amalgam Illness:
Diagnosis and Treatment is really awesome. I was a little
leery of the...price but WOW, you DO get your money's worth.
First, it is 200 pages, 8" x 11" paper with very little white
space. It's full of information. And he has managed to pull
off a very difficult trick of putting in a ton of practical
information, thoroughly covering the subject of mercury toxicity
and chelation and doing so in an easy to read format. It covers
what mercury does to all the different organs, how to diagnosis
it, and what your options are for treating it. If I had read
this in the beginning I wouldn't have been so confused and
fumbling around for months trying to figure out the mysterious
world of chelation! Now it doesn't seem like this big scary
thing at all. He covers many medications and supplements as
Karen deFelice, Iowa
"Dr. Cutler tells it like it is.
No cover-ups here like the one from the .... How do I know?
My wife is extremely ill from dental amalgam poisoning for
more than 20 years. She is seriously chronically poisoned.
After so much lying from dentists and ignorance from medical
doctors, here comes a good book that sheds light to one of
the most insidious forms of sickness, mercury poisoning! Even
after all mercury amalgams are replaced by safe composites,
the next nightmare comes when trying to figure out how to
get rid of the mercury already inside your brain, nervous
system, kidneys, blood, etc from an already debilitated and
compromised body."
"Dr. Cutler says on page 54: "First,
do no harm. Note: the DMPS challenge is not a legitimate diagnostic
test since over half the population will give a positive result
but most of them do not appear to have amalgam illness. In
addition there is a high incidence of adverse drug reactions
during it, including permanent disability and death. It should
never be used. DMSA challenge tests that involve the administration
of 500 mg - 3g of DMSA as a single dose are also dangerous
and not diagnostic.""
"Dr. Cutler says on page 89: "Therapeutic
approaches currently offered by some practitioners but which
should NEVER be used include: DMPS by injection except when
oral administration is contraindicated and dosage is low,
DMPS or DMSA on any schedule not involving frequent administration
of equal doses for at least several days in a row, EDTA chelation,
or penicillamine in any form. Supplementary cysteine, glutathione,
or a "high sulfur" diet, or chlorella should NOT be used.
All of these "therapies" will be VERY HARMFUL to you.""
"Dr. Cutler says in page 90: "For
most people the proper chelation protocol using DMSA and LA
(Lipoic Acid) is: . Starting 4 days after the last filling
is replaced, 50-100 mg DMSA every 4 hours (including getting
up at night to take a dose) for 2-6 months, until urine mercury
is reduced 80%. . Then DMSA 50-100 mg + LA (Lipoic Acid) 50-200
mg every 3-4 hours (including getting up at night to take
a dose) for about 3 days per week. When you feel all better,
keep going for a few months. You may need to do this anywhere
from 6 to 36 months depending on how sick you were to start
and how hard your body holds on to the mercury. . It is important
to keep taking your supplements and medicines during the whole
time you are chelating.""
"Thanks Dr. Cutler. ....."
Kenneth Southwell,
Spring Hill, Florida
"Wow! I can see I had plenty to learn. Russ, you are right. What an incredible book, cutler nails it alright! ...
I think cutler's intellect is only surpassed by his bravery.
I found the psychological information as practical as the phsyiological information, both first rate."
Rich W., "Kronic Cluster", Herb Allure Forum Complex Member
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