> Information
> Copyrights
> Why Copyrights
Thank you for your interest in this important
Here, you can find out about Herb Allure's policies concerning copyrights.
You can also learn about how to obtain
permission to use excerpts from Herb Allure's books, computer
programs, and other materials.
Why Copyrights?
Ideas are property
(intellectual property). Property ownership is sacred. If you steal
property, you are a thief. If you steal (duplicate) an idea, you
are a thief.
Copyrights were invented to allow people to profit
from their ideas which encourages people to be creative, knowing
they will be rewarded for their labor and ingenuity.
If you cheat this important system, you are stealing
from all of those who benefit
from this system, not just the person who owns the intellectual
property! For this reason, copyright infringement is especially
damaging to our society, our nation, and our world.
Herb Allure attempts to have the most
lenient policies possible without undercutting our business
and our ability to continue producing quality material that everyone
benefits from. With every book sale we lose due to people's
disregard for copyright law and our policies, we lose support that
would be spent maintaining our ability to stay
in business providing quality NSP support products.
We are not a large
corporation that is immune towhat some might considersmall
infringements. Rather, like most NSP Distributors, we are small-business
owners working 10 to 16 hours per
day, 6 and 7 days per week for a vitally
important cause which we personally believe in.
Work with us to keep
the wheels of ingenuity rolling by respecting copyrights.
If you see something you believe may be a copyright
violation against us, please contact
us. After all, if we
saw someone breaking into your house
or herb store, we would certainly do the same for you.
You're either part of the problem, or
part of the solution. Make the right choices! |