Keep your HART
Master Reference book up-to-date
by subscribing to the annual HART update program.
Have an old HART book? Contact us to order "back updates" to bring your HART book completely up-to-date!Top
The Herb Allure Resource
Yearly Update Program
If you've been with NSP for any time now,
you know how often
they add new products to their line.
For this reason, Herb Allure offers the
HART update subscription. This subscription keeps your HART
Master Reference book current with all
the latest products that NSP introduces, and offers
expanded product information
on selected existing products as new research becomes available.
Updates are sent out three
times per year and include an instruction
sheet that takes you through the process of inserting the
new pages into your HART bookstep-by-step.
Once-a-year, Herb Allure also updates and
expands the A-to-Z Ailment
Reference. This update adds all the new NSP products
to your A-To-Z Ailment Index, PLUS adds
a number of new ailments to the list.
If you have never
purchased updates, or you let them expire some time
ago, no problem. Herb
Allure keeps a history of every book by serial number, and
can find out at any time exactly which updates are needed
to bring any book completely current.
Your last set of updates will automatically
include a handy renewal form
to remind you when "It's Time to Renew!" You can
also contact us and we'll automatically
renew your subscription each year (this is becoming
If you haven't updated your HART Master
Reference for a while, or at all, now
is the time to start.
What People Are
"You guys do such a great job of
keeping my [HART] book current!"
"This is such a great idea... and
you're so easy to work with. Keep my updates coming!"
"A lot of companies promise to update
their products. You-all actually follow through!" |