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Health News
Getting your news from mainstream media? Better think again!

This page contains important links to information related to health. We include these links to help you be more informed and more effective in your battle to help others regain their health and to encourage others to become better informed. Feel free to suggest a link to us.


Releasing Toxins Into The Global Atmosphere

People around the world are becoming more aware of the plight undertaken to vaccinate humans and it's often adverse effect on health. Doctors give shots to children without any explaination of the serious risks involved.

Others are beginning to delcare that many vaccines are hoaxes—being declared "effective" in the medical literature only because they were tested against a baseline effectiveness of zero!

Yet others have found that vaccines, such as the Polic vaccine, was released and declared "a medical triumph" only after polio was already nearly erradicated.

Chemtrail Links
Educate Yourself So You Can Be Protected

Chemtrail Forum
Make contact with others about chemtrais

Chemtrails Have Been Legalized
U.S. Public Law 105-85 allows chemical & biological testing on citizens

Aerosol Crimes
A video documentary on chemtrails

Chemtrails Hall of Shame
"It has been eight long years since phantom spray planes first appeared in the skies above our heads."

Chemtrails In Animated Movies
Chemtrails have made an appearance in several animated movies

Over The Hedge
2006, Dreamworks Animation SKG

2005, Pixar, Buena Vista (Disney)

Open Season
Sony Pictures Animation and Columbia Pictures


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