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The Log Continues
Chapter_Title 24

Log: Monday, July 24, 2000, 6:30 pm EST

A lot to report on this weekend...

Saturday night I started feeling horrible... the same as when I was receiving the DMPS injection. Sunday was not too great either. Several times I went into sweats and had bad stomach burning. I also had a constant headache.

I believe that this is because Sunday is the 7th day since the removal of the amalgams. The immune system works on a 7-day cycle and therefore, whenever it is challenged, 7 days later, you may feel repercussions [this is detailed in Hal's Book, "It's All In Your Head"]. Both Laura and I did, quite a bit.

I had another sore spot under my arm Saturday night... it blew up like a small balloon (lymph node). By Sunday night it was gone. I used a lot of NSP Vitamin C Ascorbates mixed with NSP Recovery (for electrolytes, and to make the taste better) in water. It helps a lot NSP has the most effective vitamin C I've ever used.

A few more symptoms—some that I may have missed mentioning earlier in this log—have started to go away.

One of the common symptoms of mercury poisoning is that ear excretions increase. I started seeing this about 3 years ago. Being fairly active, when cleaning my ears (as I do every morning), I rarely saw anything on the "Q-Tips" I used. About 3 years ago, I started seeing a tremendous increase. Within the last year, it continued to increase so much that I usually needed 2 or 3 [sometimes more] Q-Tips per ear to thoroughly clean them (for the first time in my life).

During this past week, the ear excretions have decreased so much that I only use 1 Q-Tip now, and even that has barely any material visible on it.

Another very interesting development...

In years past, I have been extremely hypoglycemic. If I had, for instance, 1 bowl of ice cream (which I rarely do, but when I do, it's Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip), I would go into a sugar low within 30 minutes. Then about 2 hours later, my muscles would feel "clogged," like they have thick fluid in them. I would then have to exercise in order to "get it out." I coined this feeling "exercise withdrawal." Grumpiness would often follow.

Another symptom of eating sugar was depression. If I had 2 donuts before bed (which I very rarely do, except when I'm experimenting), I would wake up the next day with little drive, feeling a little "separated" from the world. If I had any amount of sugar the next night, I would wake up the second morning feeling downright lethargic and quite depressed, detached and without any drive whatsoever. This worked like clockwork, no kidding! If I ate sugar for a third night, then the next morning I would be so depressed that I would be unable to function. I would have to get a meal and take some supplements and often a liquid mineral drink before I could even begin working.

The feelings I experienced on this third day were severe depression, suicidal thoughts, lethargy, extreme "exercise withdrawal," feelings of hopelessness, and so on. If this sounds extreme, you're right, but that's the way it really was.

On a side note, I would also sleep horrible on the nights I had sugar. I would normally have such intense dreams that I'd wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed.

On another side note, I would have burning under my arms the day after having sugar. My underarms would be bright red and irritated, even after the first day of sugar (Candida, I believe).

Well, guess what. Thursday night, as an experiment, I had 2 donuts before I went to bed. Friday, I had one-third of a half-gallon container of Breyer's mint chocolate chip ice cream (yeah!). Saturday night, I had another one-third of a half-gallon container of Breyer's mint chocolate chip ice cream before going to bed. Last night, I had 3 donuts. Pretty bad, huh?!! I haven't eaten like this in years!

The result?...

Not only have I slept wonderfully for the past 3 nights, not only do my underarms have virtually no redness and no irritation or burning at all, but I have absolutely NO depression of any kind. I feel wonderful! With the exception of Sunday, during which I had several physical (not emotional) symptoms—headache, etc.—that I attribute to the "7th-day-blues" of the immune cycle, I have not felt better— emotionally or physically—in at least ten years!

There are even more things I could tell you about, but I think you get the picture.

I am writing this article to share my experience with you so you can make a more informed decision about your amalgams. It's a really long article, I know... and a little personal, but I hope it's worth it.

If it helps you, and you are convinced to try having them removed, and your quality-of-life improves anything like mine has, please let me know. I will be thrilled to know that all the work of writing this article and keeping this log has been worth it. You are worth it, aren't you? If you don't feel like you are, perhaps you will after your amalgams are removed!

Anyway, I keep reminding myself that it has only been one week since the amalgams have been removed. I really wonder what will happen this week! I'm so looking forward to finding out!

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