> Products
> HART on CD
> How To >
How to reinstall the HART on CD program
How To
This page
provides information to help you accomplish a
specific task with the HART on CD program.
How To Reinstall HART On CD On Your Computer
It may become necessary to reinstall the HART
on CD program under certain circumstances, including:
- Files have become corrupted on your hard drive
- Files have been erased from your hard drive
- Someone has tampered with the program licensing
- The Windows registry has become corrupted
The above list of issues has many causes including:
errors inherent to the Windows operating system, computer viruses,
hard drive failures, power surges and lightning strikes, and circuitry
failures due to mishandling of static-sensitive components (nearly
all circuitry manufactured today is highly static-vulnerable).
Follow the steps below to reinstall the program
on your computer.
STEP #1 - Restart Your Computer (Very Important)
It is necessary to restart your computer before reinstallation begins. If you fail to do this, reinstallation may not work properly.
STEP #2 - Reinstall The Program
A. Run the HART On CD installation program. You can do this by clicking the following link:
B. Now download and install the "2.00 Full Install"
B2. If you have not used the contact list that is built in to the HART program, you can ignore this step and go on to the next step (C) now. If you have used the contacts list, you will want to save the file containing your list.
The file containing contacts is here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HART On CD\MSAddrBk.db
Just rename the file by adding an "x" to the end:
Then after the HART program is reinstalled, you can rename the file back to its original name:
Then restart the HART program. You contact list should continue to work normally now.
C. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
IMPORTANT: If during the installation
procedure you get a message that says something like this: "A
file being copied is not newer than a file on your system...",
just click the "No to All" button.
When installation is complete, the HART On CD program will be installed on your computer.
Now, continue with step #3 below.
STEP #3 - Authorize The Program
Now that's you've reinstalled the program, it
is necessary to authorize the program to run on your computer.
To do this, call Herb Allure so we can provide you with an authorization code over the phone. The phone number to call is provided on the opening screen of the HART On CD program.