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How To Register

This page describes how to register your HART On CD program with the Herb Allure "Message Server" system.

This registration process is necessary to enable your computer to communicate with our Internet-based system that delivers HART On CD NSP product information pages to your customers.

Please follow these steps carefully. If you have any problems, feel free to call Herb Allure Technical Support for help.
Video: How To Register

How To Register With
The Herb Allure Message Server

1. Begin The Registration Process

(A) Open the "Herb Allure Message Server Registration" Wizard

To do this, click "File" in the upper-left corner of the HART On CD program window, then click "Register with the Message Server". This will open the "Herb Allure Message Server Registration" wizard.

(B) Advance to the "User Agreement"

To do this, click "Next". You should now be on step 2 of 9. The page is entitled "User Agreement".

(C) Accept or Decline the "User Agreement"

In order to use the emailing capabilities of the HART On CD program, you must agree to the user agreement displayed in this window. Please read the agreement.

If you accept the agreement and wish to use the emailing capabilities of the program, click the "I accept the User Agreement" radio button and then click "Next".

If you do not accept the agreement, click the "I do not accept the User Agreement" radio button, then click the "Cancel" button. A new window will appear. Click the "Yes" button on this window to quit the registration process.

2. Can Spam Compliance (3 of 9)

In order to comply with U.S. CAN-SPAM laws, certain information must appear on certain types of commercial email that you send. For this reason, the HART program requres that this information be present.

Complete this form by entering your first and last name, company name (if you use one), and your active email address.

Please read the instructions provided on this page of the wizard for additional details.

When this form is complete, click "Next" to advance to the next page.

3. Message "FROM" Information (4 of 9)

This page of the wizard accepts information that will inform the recipient of your email who had send the email.

Enter your full name and then enter the email address that you would like customers to reply to (should they choose to do so).

Please read the instructions provided on this page of the wizard for details.

When this form is complete, click "Next" to advance to the next page.

4. SMTP Server (5 of 9)

In the past couple years, Internet email system have changed causing the information collected on this page to be obsolete. For this reason, you can ignore this page and leave the box labeled "Server Name" blank. Now click "Next" to advance to the next page.

5. Business Information (6 of 9)

The HART message system allows you to display your customized business information at the top of each message your customer receives from you. This information also automatically appears at the top of each NSP product page that you send them.

If they print the pages you send them, your business information is there, right at the top of each page so they know just who to call for help and to place orders.

Complete the information in this box just the way you want it to appear on top of each message you send. The instructions on the wizard provide an example to help guide you.

If you do not wish to have customized information at the top of each page, you can simply leave this information blank.

In the future, you can return and edit this information as often as you wish, so there is no need to feel pressured to get it exactly right the first time.

When you are finished with this page, click "Next" to advance to the next page.

6. Website Link (7 of 9)

When you send HART product pages to a customer, you can have a working link at the top of each page that links directly to your website.

This page of the wizard allows you to enter the text that is displayed that acts as a link to your website. This page also allows you to enter the Internet address (URL) of your website.

You are not requred to provide a link to a website so if you desire, you can just leave this information blank. Please read the instructions on this page of the wizard for more information.

When you are finished with this page, click "Next" to advance to the next page.

7. Business Logo or Picture (8 of 9)

This page of the wizard allows you to display a picture (graphic) at the top of each NSP product page you send to your customer.

Please read the instructions provided on this page of the wizard.

If you do not wish to display a logo at the top of the NSP product pages that you send, you can just make sure the "No Logo" radio button is selected.

You can come back and change (or disable) your business logo displayed at the top of all NSP product pages at any time in the future.

When you are finished with this page, click "Finish" to advance to the next page.

8. Complete the Wizard

After you click "Finish" (from the previous step), a new window will appear that says, "You are about to register with the Herb Allure Message Server."

If you are satisfied that your answers are correct, just click "Yes" to continue. This will complete the registration process.

If you are not satisfied and wish to go back and change some of the information you entered, just click "No" and then click "Back" on the previous pages to regress to the page containing the information you want to change.

If you click "Yes", the next message that is displayed should say the you have successfully registered with the Herb Allure Message Server.

Now click "Close" to close this wizard.

You are now ready to use the HART On CD program to send NSP product pages through email.

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