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> How To >
How to send an NSP product page as an e-mail
How To Email
This page describes how you can easily send a HART On CD product page via email.
Please follow these steps carefully. If you have any problems, feel free to call Herb Allure Technical Support for help.
Short URL to this page: herballure.com/hartemail
Video Demo
We have created a video demo that takes you on a complete tour of the HART On CD document emailing/messaging system.
If you would like to watch it, simply click the link below:
If you'd like to link directly to this video demo in the future, you can use this convenient short link:
How To Send An NSP Product Page
As An E-mail
1. Grasping The Concept
Before you try to send an NSP product page to a customer by email, you should understand how the Herb Allure messaging system works. This is important in order to correctly utilize the system. Following is an overview of how the system works.
First, you will enter a message to be sent to a customer and you will select which product pages you would like your customer to received.
Next, you will click a button labeled "Get Link" on the HART On CD program. Now, the Herb Allure Messaging System actually creates a website. This process only take a few seconds.
This website contains a home page, and it contains a single page for each NSP product page that you requested to be sent to your customer.
Finally, the program copies the Internet address (URL) of this newly-created website to the Window's clipboard.
Now, you simply email this address (URL) to your customer using whatever email program you normally use. When your customers clicks only the link you sent to them (this is the link that was generated and pasted to the Window's clipboard by the HART On CD program), the customer is instantly brought to the newly-created website that contains the NSP product pages you wanted to send.
Your customer can view and print these pages at their leisure. These pages can optionally contain your business information at the top of each page. If your customer decides to print the page, your business information prints out at the top of each page. Ths newly-created website remains available on the web for 30 days.
This unique system ensures that your customer will know exactly who to contact as soon as they decide to purchase or if they have questions. This system also makes it as easy and convenient as it could possibly be for you to deliver in-depth NSP product information to your customers.
For you, there are no files to attach to your emails and there are no delays while large attachments upload to the Internet.
For your customers, there are no delays while large email attachments download to their computer, plus there are no special skills required for your customers to view the information you send. All they have to do is click a link in an email and they instantly have the information you you sent them displayed before them.
Now that you understand how this unique system works, we will show you how to actually use it. Please continue reading.
2. The "Send A Message" Window
(A) Open the "Send A Message" Window
To do this, in the menu bar at the top left of the program window, click "File" then "Send A Message". This will open the "Send A Message" window.
NOTE: If a message appears stating:
"You must register before you can send a message. Would you like to register now?"
Then click "Yes" and follow the registration instructions on this page... When registration is complete, come back to this page to learn how to send a message from the HART On CD program.
(B) Complete the "Send A Message" Window
This window contains spaces for you to fill in all of the same information you would if you were sending a standard email. Here's what you do.
Section 1 is labeled "To (Recipient)". In this section, enter the name and email addres of the person you are sending a message to.
Section 2 is labeled "Message". In this section, enter the Subject and Body of the message you want to send, just as if you were sending a normal email message.
Section 3 is labeled "HART Documents". In this section, you can optionally select up to ten (10) NSP product pages to be deliever to your customer.
To select NSP product pages, click the button that looks like a paperclip on a yellow piece of paper. In the new window that appears, put check marks next to each NSP product page that you would like sent to your customer. To check a product, single-click in the empty square to the left of the product name. Now click "OK".
Section 4 is labeled "Send Message". In this section click the button labeled "Get Link". Now, a website is created containing the information you just entered along with all of the NSP product pages you selected. The Internet address (URL) of this newly-created website is copied to the Window's clipboard.
3. Send An Email
Now that you have created a website that contains all of the NSP product pages that you want your customer to see, all you have to do is email this link to your customer.
So, now you simply create an email as you normally would using the email client software that you normally use and send a regular email to your customer. Make sure that you paste the Internet address (URL) that was automatically copied to the Window's clipboard into the body of your message so your customer can click on it.
Now, this is actually the easiest step, but just to make it perfectly clear, we'll walk you through the process of sending this email using the most common email system, Outlook Express. Here's what you do.
Open up Outlook Express (hereafter called "Outlook" for short). Click the "Create Mail" button (or press <CTRL>+N on the keyboard) to create a new blank email.
Now enter the address of your customer in the "TO" field.
Next, enter the subject of the email in the "SUBJECT" field.
Next, enter the message you would like to give to your customer in the body section of the email. This is—of course—the largest area at the bottom of this window. Just type away as you normally would.
Now, remember, the Internet address of the website you want to send to your customer is still in the Window's clipboard. All you have to do now if paste it into the body of your message.
To do this, simply make sure the cursor is in the body of the message, normally on a line by itself. Now click "Edit", then "Paste" in the Outlook menu (or press <CTRL>+V on the keyboard) to paste the Internet address into the body of the message. The Internet address instantly appears.
All you have to do now is send the message as you normally would. To do this, click the "Send" button in the upper-left of the window (or press <ALT>+S on the keyboard). Your message is sent.
When your customer receives your message, all they have to do is click on the link you pased into the body of the message and the newly-created website will appear. They can now read your message and see all of the NSP product pages that you sent them.
So, you can see how easy this process really is.
4. Practice
We recommend that you practice the steps above by sending an email or two to yourself. This way, you can see what your customer will see when they attempt to view your message.
To do this, just follow the steps above, except address the email to your own email address. When you receive this message, you will see how easy it is for your customers to view the information you send to them.
5. Tips
Here are a couple tips that will help you when sending messages using the HART On CD message system.
Click The Test Link
You will notice that there is an item near the bottom of the "Send A Message" window entitled "Test Link". This item become available immediately after you click the "Get Link" button. This "Test Link" enables to you to immediately view the newly-created website that your customer will view.
This is purely a convenience feature and does not affect any other part of the system.
Reconfigure Your Messages
As stated earlier, you can change the custom information that is displayed at the top of each message you send at any time. This includes your business information, your website text and address, and your business logo (graphic).
To do this, from the "Send A Message" window, just click the "Configure My Message" button near the bottom right of the window. This will open up a wizard that allows you to reconfigure this information.
Use Your Contact List
The HART On CD program provides a simple contact list that allows you to manage email addresses of people who you frequently send information to. Consider using this feature to make your life easier.
You can manage your contact list by clicking the "Manage My Contact List" button near the bottom-right of the "Send A Message" window.
You can conveniently fill in the "TO" information for a message from your contact list by clicking the small button with the face profiles on it. This button is located just above the "Name" and "E-Mail" fields on the "Send A Message" window.
We devoted over 3 months of design and programming time into this system to make sure it is convenient, reliable, and easy to use for both you and your customers.
We truly hope you, your customers, your friends, and your family benefit from the convenience of this system and the information it provides. If you have comments or feature suggestions, please feel free to contact us.
Please also consider getting involved in protecting your health freedoms. We have provided an informational page that will guide you and offer simple ideas for making you an effective part of the health freedom movement. Click this link to visit the health freedoms page.
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